Destiny 2 Forbearance God Roll And Best Perks For Pvp And Pve

The Witness has declared war against the Traveler and its Guardians in Destiny 2. Its servant, Rhulk, has taken up residence on Savathun’s throne world. Guardians must brave the pyramid to put an end to their machinations. Fortunately, they’ll be rewarded for their efforts with weapons like Forbearance. How to get Forbearance in Destiny 2 Forbearance is one of several Darkness-inspired weapons that drop in the Vow of the Disciple Raid....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 275 words · William Murray

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset May 31 Time Legacy Activities Nightfall More

Nightfall Strike: The Insight TerminusWeapon: D.F.A.Adept Modifiers (1490)EmpathAcute Void BurnHero Modifiers (1530)Adept ModifiersChampion Foes (Barrier and Unstoppable)Ashes to AshesLegend Modifiers (1560)Adept and Hero ModifiersEquipment LockedMatch GameShielded Foes (Arc and Void)Master Modifiers (1590)Adept, Hero, and Legend ModifiersChaffChampions: Mob Legacy Activities EuropaEclipsed Zone: Eventide RuinsExo Challenge: Simulation: SafeguardEmpire Hunt: The TechnocratMoonWandering Nightmare: Fallen Council (Archer’s Line)Trove Guardian Location: HellmouthDreaming CityCurse Status: Strong CursePetra Venj Location: Rheasilvia Banshee-44’s Inventory Pleiades Corrector: Legendary Scout RiflePerses-D: Legendary Scout RifleSpoiler Alert: Legendary SidearmTyphon GL5: Legendary Grenade LauncherPalmyra-B: Legendary Rocket LauncherOgma PR6: Legendary Pulse Rifle Ada-1’s Inventory Titan ArmorTerra Concord SetHunter ArmorIcarus Drifter SetWarlock ArmorTesseract Trace IV Set Weekly Bounties Petra Venj, The Dreaming CityAscendant ChallengeGateway Between WorldsEris Morn, MoonSlow-Wave DisruptionLunar SpelunkerLectern of Enchantment, MoonNightmare HunterNightmare SojournerVariks, EuropaCourageous ExpeditionThe Heat of BattleShaw Han, CosmodromePublic DisturbanceFull SpectrumStarhorse, EternityClose and Impersonal Eververse Bright Dust Shop Glow Stick Dance: Legendary Emote - 700 Bright DustMolten: Exotic Ornament - 1250 Bright DustUp in Smoke: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright DustNectar Dynamo: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustSpill the Tea: Exotic Emote - 3250 Bright DustCanned Rage: Legendary Emote - 700 Bright DustIzanagi’s Shell: Exotic Ghost Shell - 2850 Bright DustUnseeing, To Be Shown: Legendary Ornament - 700 Bright DustSynchrotron Advancer: Exotic Ship - 2000 Bright DustMatterscourge: Exotic Ornament - 1250 Bright DustXIV Projection: Legendary Ghost Projection - 1500 Bright DustVibrant Breach: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustRoyal Welcome: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustWelded Brass: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustNeopop Wave: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustTaken Arrival: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright DustSignal Processed: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright DustShattered Shrieker: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright Dust For more Destiny 2 goodies, check out Best SMGs in Destiny 2 on Pro Game Guides....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 344 words · Sandra Ecton

Does Among Us Support Cross Platform Play On Nintendo Switch

Amidst the long list of big-budget titles releasing in 2020, Among Us turned out to be the dark horse of the year. While the game was initially released back in 2018, it gathered a lot of traction in the past few months. After the game’s success, the developers recently announced the Switch version. Much to fans’ delight, the Nintendo Switch version of the game will be supporting cross-platform play, meaning players will be able to play with their friends irrespective of the platform they are playing on....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 295 words · Edwin Dickens

Dota 2 Announces New Dpc Season And Major Tournaments

Valve has announced the beginning of a new Dota 2 DPC season and other major tournaments in the new year. According to the update, today marks the 2023 DPC Season commencing with the Winter Tour. The event will start with regional playoffs in China today, January 6, 2023. The remaining five regions will commence the event on Sunday, January 8. Dota 2 New DPC Season and Major Tournaments Details Winter Tour Fandom To celebrate the fervor of fandom, today’s update includes a fresh season of Supporters Club Bundles and Fantasy play for the Winter Tour....

December 18, 2022 · 5 min · 955 words · Polly Brownie

Dragon Age 4 Is Being Built At A Small Skeleton Crew Tough Times For Bioware

During GDC 2018, former BioWare writer Mike Laidlaw provided more intel about how things are shaping up in the Canadian development team of Dragon Age 4. And those things doesn’t look really good. According to Laidlaw, who left the company to “try a new challenge”, “a very small skeleton crew” is now working on the game, meaning that EA doesn’t believe that much in the title now or that it’ll ramp up as soon as the development process goes full throttle....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 227 words · Melvin Callahan

Drake Hollow Builds Onto Pc And Xbox One July 17Th The Nerd Stash

If you’re an indie game fan, you may recall a game called The Flame in the Flood from 2016. The game is a roguelike survival adventure that’s quite a bit of fun and garnered some great reception back in the day. That game is four years old now though and The Molasses Flood is looking towards their next project. They originally announced the game in November of 2019, but now the team’s ready to look towards release....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 367 words · Linda Wright

Drawn To Death Will Release Free For Ps Plus Members Next Month

Drawn to Death is set to launch next month on PlayStation 4, and today we learn that PlayStation Plus members will be able to download it for free during April. The game is an arena shooter with a distinct art style that takes place within the pages of a notebook. The announcement was made on the PlayStation Blog today, with the game’s director David Jaffe talking about the decision to make the game free during its launch for PlayStation Plus members....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 508 words · Ricardo Donelson

Dreams Update 2 33 Patch Notes

Halloween content added Update 2.33 has arrived for Dreams, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. After releasing many smaller bug fix style of updates, a newer patch is now on the way for Dreams. For those of you that own the game on PS4, the file size is only a few hundred megabytes. The new update pretty much includes some Halloween style of content to the game....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 314 words · Lela Tomblin

E3 2016 Final Fantasy 15 To Receive A Wait Mode As Part Of Its Combat System

Final Fantasy 15 is set to include a new feature that hasn’t really been used in other Final Fantasy games before. Square Enix is putting a “Wait Mode” which basically pauses the game to allow you to strategize during combat. Square Enix revealed this new mode during a livestream for Final Fantasy 15 at E3 2016 this week. It allows you to freeze time during combat so you can target a specific enemy or devise a better plan of attack....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 294 words · Terence Hope

E3 2016 Horizon Zero Dawn Gets An Epic New Gameplay Trailer

While Horizon: Zero Dawn recently got delayed until early 2017, that didn’t stop the game getting a lengthy gameplay presentation at Sony’s E3 press conference. The video is over 8 minutes long and features lots of open-world action and exploration, and you can check it out at the bottom of this post. “Take on the role of skilled hunter Aloy as you explore a vibrant and lush world inhabited by mysterious mechanized creatures....

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 191 words · Amanda Jones

E3 2019 What Can We Expect From Ubisoft This Year

Ubisoft has had a great year in terms of listening to their fans and wanting to ensure their player base receives the exact product they’re looking to play. What makes this company unique? The way they’ve been able to consistently come up with new seasons and new content for old games. For example, Rainbow Six: Siege remains a competitive game, and Division 2 recently had their first raid where players on the console version of the title were having trouble with it, calling it impossible, until a team broke through everything and came out on top....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 687 words · Russell Levitan

Dead By Daylight Bloodpoint Codes November 2022

If players are looking to get some more currency for their account in Dead by Daylight, they can redeem the promo codes available for November 2022. These codes feature over a hundred thousand free Bloodpoints, including cosmetic Charms fans can use to spice up their appearance. Typically, players must earn Score Events via gameplay, a currency that is converted into Bloodpoints. However, by using the available codes for this month, fans can instantly receive this valuable currency without any gameplay or effort required....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 299 words · Robert Lawson

Dead By Daylight Celebrates Halloween With A New Survivor Named Mikaela

Behaviour Interactive released a teaser on September 24 that hinted a new character will be coming to the company’s hit survival horror game Dead by Daylight. Pinhead from the Hellraiser series was the latest character to join the game when he was released on September 7. The latest teaser only showed a close-up of some curtains, suggesting a stage show. Some fans are theorizing that the next character will be a magician-based survivor....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 273 words · Leone Boyd

Destiny 2 All Ascendant Anchor Locations On The Moon Sanctuary And Sorrow S Harbor

It’s week 3 of Season of the Lost in Destiny 2, which means even more Ascendant Anchors to collect. A new set appears each week, and this time they can be found on The Moon, spread across both Sanctuary and Sorrow’s Harbor. They are not that awkward to find, thankfully. They have a pink glow that is easy to spot, and a beam of energy that extends from the anchor up into the air above it, making them easier to find....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 241 words · Maxine Frye

Destiny 2 App Down How To Check Destiny 2 Server Status

The Destiny 2 Companion App is a great way to manage your Guardian and their inventory, check the news, and find a fireteam for the latest content. However, those handy features are rendered moot if part of the service goes down. Here are some handy resources to check if one is having issues. Is Destiny 2 down? There are several sources to check and see if Destiny 2 services, including the app, are down:...

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 223 words · Sandra Griffin

Destiny 2 Spire Of The Watcher Loot Table All Armor And Weapons

This town ain’t big enough for two guardians The Season of the Seraph in Destiny 2 keeps giving players more content to grind through. The new dungeon, Spire of the Watcher, has finally dropped and brought with it a bunch of new weapons and armor for players to strive for. However, some weapons are more sought after than others. Since each encounter in the dungeon drops different loot as a reward, you will want to make sure you are farming the right encounter to get the weapon you want....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 403 words · Nancy Hill

Destiny 2 Where Is Xur Location Inventory June 18Th 2021

The mysterious vendor has arrived on Nessus Where is Xur in Destiny 2 this week? Each Friday in Destiny 2, Xur, Agent of the Nine makes an appearance across the game’s different planets to dole out exotic weapons and engrams to Guardians. Xur Location in Destiny 2 changes every week and currently Xur will stop in on Friday and leave on Sundays. Check back to this page each week to find out where Xur is and what his inventory is for the week....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 613 words · Helen Grant

Devil May Cry Getting Free Bloody Palace Dlc

Devil May Cry will be getting some free DLC shortly after the game releases. Capcom confirmed earlier today that the free “Bloody Palace” mode from previous Devil May Cry games will make its return in the form of DLC. The content will come in the form of a title update following the game’s release on January 15th. In order to access the Bloody Palace content you’ll need to have completed the game once....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 147 words · James Wendling

Devolver Digital Has Five Unannounced Games Coming In 2021

What could they be? Thanks to their annual E3 “press conference” and a string of huge hits, Devolver Digital has become one of gaming’s most beloved publishers. They always seem to find ways to surprise and please their audience, often with brutally violent or delightfully quirky games crafted by smaller developers. And it seems like 2021 could be another big year for the publisher since they have five unannounced games coming....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 250 words · Jamie Valdes

Diablo Immortal How To Win The Shadow Lottery The Nerd Stash

The newest game of the Diablo franchise, known as the Diablo Immortal, is available, and many players, including the old fans of the series and the newest gamers, are enjoying their time playing it on their mobile phones. You might have encountered a situation where you want to join the Shadows by winning the letter in your journey. So here is the guide on how to win the Shadow Lottery and join the Shadows in Diablo Immortal....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 329 words · Audrey Plato