The recent release of Earthbound for Nintendo Switch Online users means a new group of players is discovering the game. The popular RPG has been praised as one of the best Super Nintendo games for decades. As great as the game is, new players may find some elements daunting. As with any RPG, the game is filled with various items for the player to carry in their inventory. Earthbound items vary greatly, some being vital and some being virtually useless. While the importance of most times differs depending on the style of the player, here are ten important Earthbound items first-time players should equip.

10. Town Map

One of the most important Earthbound items is often missed by those unfamiliar with the game. The Town Map is one of the first items obtained, yet it isn’t incredibly obvious. A Map is one of the most useful RPG items in any game, including Pokemon. When the player first begins their journey, they start in the town of Onett. Right next to the entrance of the town is the library. The player must enter here to receive the map. This map is incredibly useful because it shows the player where the most vital locations are in each town. This comes in handy when the player needs to find food, a hospital, or a hotel and is one of the most used items in the game and is unfortunately overlooked by new players.

9. Pencil Eraser

The Pencil Eraser is essential to progressing at a certain point. There are statues of pencils that block the path of Ness and co, and this is the only way to get rid of it. The problem is the game almost tricks the player to get it. In the town of Twoson, Ness encounters two inventors, Orange Kid and Apple Kid. Orange Kid is well put together and well-loved by the townsfolk. Apple Kid is messy, a bit of a slob, and mostly ridiculed. Both characters ask Ness to invest in their inventions. All signs point to investing in Orange Kid, but Apples Kid is the right choice. With Apple Kid, players receive the Pencil Eraser and several other important Earthbound items throughout the game.

8. Sword of Kings

The last character to join the player’s roaster is Poo. Poo is unique because he can only have certain types of items equipped, and they aren’t common. Players will know which items they can equip because they will say “of kings.” For example, Bracer of Kings, Cloak of Kings, and of course Sword of Kings. Most items equipped in Poo’s attack slot will actually lower his attack instead of raising it. This extremely rare item is the only weapon that will raise his attack, and it raises it by quite a lot. The only way to obtain the sword is in the Stonehenge Base. The Starman Super has a 1 in 128 chance of dropping the item when defeated. It will take some time and a lot of luck to get the sword, but it is more than worth it.

7. PSI Caramel

Ness, Paula, and Poo will all learn various PSI moves as the game progresses. These moves will become essential to master in later parts of the game. PSI attacks at the right moment could very well be the difference between victory and defeat. Also, Ness and Poo’s healing ability could ensure characters stay in the battle after a mortal hit. Because of the importance of PSI, one of the most important Earthbound items is the PSI Caramel. As the name implies, this item will raise a character’s PSI meter. There are several ways to raise PSI, such as the magic butterfly, but this is the best way to do it in the heat of battle.

6. Refreshing Herb

While the best way to heal characters during battle is by PSI, sometimes the player would rather save PSI points for attacking. In this case, one of the most important Earthbound items to stock up on is the Refreshing Herb. This item works the same way as the Healing β PSI move. Using it removes feelings of strangeness, poison, nausea, and crying. This is incredibly useful in the heat of battle. Depending on the strength of the attack, a character being affected by one of these ailments could take them out of battle fairly quickly. This herb heals them and saves precious PSI points in the process.

5. Food Items

This should be a no-brainer. Food items will raise the HP of the character that eats them. The types of foods throughout the game vary in how many hit points they restore. It can be as low as 24 HP or as high as 300 HP. The player would be smart to keep a fair amount of food in their inventory for emergencies. Nothing is worse than being near death after a battle, having no PSI points to heal, and being far from the nearest hotel. Having a good supply of food of any type will help out in these sticky situations. From hamburgers to jerky, any type of food is an important Earthbound item. Food is as essential in Earthbound as it is in the Kirby games.

4. Franklin Badge

While this Earthbound item is mandatory to progress at a certain point, players will be wise to keep it in their inventory for the rest of the game. When Ness is tasked with saving Paula from the Happy Cultists, he has to face their leader. The cult leader, Carpainter, will shock Ness anytime he gets near. Ness must talk to the imprisoned Paula to retrieve the Franklin Badge. The Franklin Badge reflects electricity, allowing Ness to get close enough to battle. Keeping this item in inventory after defeating Carpainter will reflect any electric-based attack. It would be wise to give this to the weakest player, giving them extra protection.

3. Exit Mouse

Exit Mice may seem like silly characters, but they are, in fact, one of the most helpful items in the game. They can be obtained in a house in Onett, The Desert Gold Mine, and Stonehenge Base. When activated, a yellow mouse with an arrow sign will lead the player out of a cave. Some caves and dungeons in the game are very mazelike and are difficult to exit. This mouse will easily point out the exit so the player can quickly proceed. Only one Exit Mouse can be kept at a time, so the player must choose when to use it very carefully.

2. Teddy Bears

A player should absolutely keep one or two Teddy Bears in their inventory when given the chance. A Teddy Bear acts as a member of the party, which means enemies will target it. When a Teddy Bear takes hits, it helps the actual characters keep from losing HP. The Teddy Bear will be destroyed after being hit so many times but can actually be healed if given to and retrieved from Escargo Express. The Super Teddy Bear can take even more damage before being destroyed. There is no limit to how many can be kept in inventory, so it doesn’t hurt to keep several at a time.

1. Bottle Rockets

Only Jeff can equip Bottle Rockets, but they can be some of the most devastating weapons in the game. There are three types of Bottle Rockets, the standard Bottle Rocket, Big Bottle Rocket, and Multi Bottle Rocket. Jeff needs a fair amount of luck to strike harder enemies, so the player would be wise to equip something like the Rabbit’s Foot to ensure a successful hit. If used correctly, these rockets can take out an enemy in one hit and are much more powerful than Jeff’s standard attack. A player should equip times that bring out the best in each character, and when it comes to Jeff, the Bottle Rocket is easily one of the most important Earthbound items.