The content filter is one of the most important things for online games. Nobody wants to see NSFW content at an unexpected moment. Worse, the unexplicit content might reach the kids. The studios also focus on the content filtering system while making online games. But unfortunately, sometimes it’s hard to know where people could put NSFW content. EA listens to the complaints on Twitter and starts working to fix the gallery on The Sims 4. There was numerous unsuitable content in The Sims 4 gallery, and EA announced they’re working on a content filter system. They also had a statement on Twitter about this, which also informs gamers about fighting against this.

The team revised the gallery feature and added content filtering. The unsuitable content will be automatically detected and removed. This is a solid and popular solution among developers, but not enough. The team also adds a flag button to the gallery content, which reports the content to the team. You can use that new button if you see anything annoying. Here’s a part of the studio’s announcement about this:

“We are grateful for the community’s vigilance in helping us identify these inappropriate uploads so we can maintain a safe, creative environment for our players. We will continue to do our part by quickly taking down objectionable content that surfaces, identifying and removing repeat offenders, and regularly reviewing the profanity filter in case any updates need to be made.”

The Sims 4 is the most recent game of the franchise. It’s been several years since its release, but the fans still love it. Fortunately, there’s a new The Sims game in the making. The details are unclear about that upcoming game; that’s why the fanbase is still passing the time with the fourth game. There are also a few DLCs you can buy to have some extra content. But we want a new game as soon as possible.