With companies like Riot and Blizzard venturing into the mobile gaming sector, we can safely say the mobile gaming industry is growing at a breakneck pace. Now, piggybacking on the ever-growing market, EA has confirmed it is working on a new RPG title for mobile platforms based on the locations, characters, and lore of the Lord of the Rings universe. Check out the details right here!

Dubbed The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-Earth, the upcoming RPG title was recently announced via an official press release. To develop the title, EA has partnered with Middle-earth enterprises, which is a division of the renowned American producer-led Saul Zaents Company. Together, the companies aim to develop an immersive LOTR title for fans and newbies alike to bring the fantasy and adventure of the literary universe to mobile screens.

For those who don’t know, EA has already introduced PC and console games based on The Lord of the Rings books and films.