Dungeons and Dragons: A Darkened Wish releases on March 20th from IDW. Writer and content creator B. Dave Walters and artist Tess Fowler are the team behind the five-issue comic series and both generously shared a preview of it with me.

To set the scene, A Darkened Wish is the latest story set in the world of The Forgotten Realms, a popular setting in Dungeons and Dragons lore. The story follows adventurers on their journey to become epic heroes. It shifts from the start of their quest as an eager party to a time when they are powerful magic users and fighters able to take on an entire army.

It’s an epic fantasy tale of heroes and lovable characters set on the Moonshae Isles. Many fans familiar with the original story released in 1987 may see hints detailed in the series.

I got a chance to speak with Walters ahead of the comic’s official release. In the interview, he talks about how he and Tess were able to transform it from an idea into a work of art. He also discusses how his path led him from being a writer of fan fiction to an author for IDW, Wizards of the Coast and more.

We get into a little off topic yet still on topic ramblings about his appearance on Geek and Sundry’s Vampire: The Masquerade: L.A. By Night and his show Theogony of Kairos.

Plus he teases a little about what he’s got planned for his future.

Thank you to both Tess Fowler and B. Dave Walters for the opportunity to check out Dungeons and Dragons: A Darkened Wish.

The first issue releases March 20th at comic shops and online.

You can pre-order the other four issues ahead of their release to make sure you’ve got them on your next pull list.