Duck Tales: Remastered is not long for this world. The remastered version of the 1998 classic will soon leave digital storefronts such as Steam. The game is getting removed from stores on August 8. Between now and then you can pick it up for a good 75% discount on Steam.

Duck Tales is something of a fan favorite from the NES days. But the remaster was just that, a remaster rather than a remake. The best old games can feel a little bit clunky when compared to how smooth everything is nowadays. WayForward did an excellent job with the remaster, however, and the game sits at a princely, ‘very positive’ rating on Steam.

All the nostalgia in the world won’t save this particular duck from getting cooked on Aug. 8, though. There were a few unnecessary additions to the remaster, such as voiced cutscenes. For the most part, it does a great job of providing that same excellent experience from our younger years.

Now, while the game is getting removed, it doesn’t mean you won’t have the chance to play it. Anyone who owns the game can still download it, and disc copies of the game will continue functioning as well. I also assume the game will no longer be available for older consoles, though I couldn’t hazard a guess at how many people that would impact. Not that many, I would assume.

I should also point out. There was no reason at all for me to link the Duck Tales theme tune in this article. But I did it anyway. And we all know why.