Run out of stuff to play? Got the gaming itch, but have nothing to scratch with? Don’t worry, Media Molecule (creator of LittleBigPlanet) has got your back. The PlayStation legend has put a demo of their newest project, Dreams, on the PlayStation store, and it’s a must-download. Like, seriously, go download it right now. Go.

It’s Dreams. Let Your Mind Loose

Dreams is a game where you can play, you can create, and you can share. It’s your “dream,” and you can do whatever the hell you want with it. Create a game, compose a new song, try out someone else’s dream – anything, it doesn’t matter what you do. You’re in the driver’s seat. The highway is wide open; there’s no speed limit, and the cops are all on break.

Critical Success, Gaming Phenomenon

The game released to astounding reviews and had serious buzz following its launch. A game’s hype will, typically, fade a bit after its initial launch window, but Dreams shouldn’t follow the normal trajectory. It’s more than a singular experience. Every day is a new adventure, and if you haven’t taken part yet, you should.

The demo came out about a week ago. As one would expect, it isn’t the entire package. But, the demo does offer players some of the top “dreams” available. Included in the offerings is the well known musical narrative “Art’s Dream”. Some other available games are “Cubric”, “Player Piano Player”, and “Ruckus”. Though, there are others among the mentioned few.

On top of playable popular games, the demo gives players the ability to familiarize themselves with the creation tools in Dreams. Create mode is the bread and butter of Media Molecule’s latest project, and getting used to the control schematics is essential.

Dreaming With Your Eyes Open

The game isn’t for everyone. I didn’t think it was for me, but the demo impressed me enough to flip my opinion.  A lot of games are out there, but few challenge you in the way that Dreams does. The game pushes your imagination and allows you to express yourself in ways that may have seemed inconceivable. But they’re not inconceivable. They’re tangible and waiting for you. Go right now. Create during the daylight hours. Stay up late and create even more. Make it whatever you want, whenever you want. Have fun dreaming.