If you’re an indie game fan, you may recall a game called The Flame in the Flood from 2016. The game is a roguelike survival adventure that’s quite a bit of fun and garnered some great reception back in the day. That game is four years old now though and The Molasses Flood is looking towards their next project. They originally announced the game in November of 2019, but now the team’s ready to look towards release. In a press release today, the team announced their newest game Drake Hollow is coming to PC and Xbox One on July 17th. The game will be available through either Windows 10 or Steam for those that like either platform. You can find the original announcement trailer at the link below.

Drake Hollow follows the story of you and up to three other friends as you build a village for Drakes. They’re little vegetable folk native to this land, and they need your help to survive. You’ll build several different buildings and farm food to serve the Drakes’ different needs. Watch out though, as the Drakes aren’t the only race native to these lands. The Feral are looking to shred anything of good in these lands, and you’re its next target. Use a wide array of weapons at your disposal and battle in hand to hand combat in a village builder that’s sure to satisfy fans of several genres.

At its core, the game is all about your time management. What will you prioritize in Drake Hollow? Will you focus on collecting various resources to build your town up and level the drakes, or will you focus on defenses? The choice is up to you, and it’ll be exciting to see where players take the concept. “I’m proud of the hard work and determination our team put into Drake Hollow,” said CEO Forrest Dowling.

We hope you get the chance to hop in and try Drake Hollow when it releases on PC and Xbox One on July 17th. Are you excited to grow the little drakes? Any friends you’re excited to play with? Let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!