A more blue-collar brand of space sim.

Rebel Galaxy is a space trading and combat sim of a mold somewhat similar to that of Elite Dangerous. It’s a bit more story focused, players are put in control of large capital ships, and its battles play out on a single plane rather than the three-dimensional dog fights typical of most games offering space combat. It’s a unique, if somewhat limited, entry in the genre that gives players something a little different from what they’re used to. Its newly-announced prequel, Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw, aims to do the same; it’s just going to go about it a bit differently.

First and foremost, Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw will let players fly in all directions instead of constraining them to a single plane. This will also be a cockpit-focused experience this time, and will only allow control of small, fighter-class ships rather than the capital ships seen in the first game. It’ll be a single-player experience with a bit more emphasis placed on its story, and will take place in the seedy, blue-collar strata of the galaxy. No fleet management this time; it’s all about taking on jobs, fighting-off your competition, and eventually getting the ship and tech necessary to take revenge on those that wronged you.

In addition to this, players can also spend time in the game’s greasy dive bars to take in a round of 8-Ball, play against NPCs in dice poker for credits or gear, or play a few rounds of what looks like Asteroids. Leisure aside, these sorts of places sound like they’ll be the best places to find vendors selling new ship parts and upgrades.

Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw is set to launch sometime in 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

  • This article was updated on August 31st, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Double Damage Games Announces Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw

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