Dota 2 has today launched its May 5 update, so here’s the full list of changes and fixes with this patch. Today’s patch, like most, brings a host of balance changes to help rebalance the current meta. Neutral Creep in particular this update has taken several nerfs across the board, whereas items and heroes have seen a variety of buffs and nerfs. While it isn’t new content, it’s great to see Valve taking steps similar to their hit shooter CS: GO in keeping the game’s meta updated and fresh. Though hopefully, we’ll see another content drop sometime soon. Without further adieu, here’s everything new with Dota 2 in its May 5 update.

Dota 2 May 5 Update Patch Notes

Neutral Creep Updates

  • Take Off max mana cost per second from 2.5 percent to four percent

  • Vision reduced from 1800/1800 to 1200/800

  • Raise Dead cooldown increased from 18 to 20

  • Raise Dead duration decreased from 40 to 35

  • Armor reduced from 1 to 0

Dota 2 May 5 Update: Item Updates

  • Desolator
  • Soul Stealer max stacks reduced from 25 to 20
  • Eye of Skadi
  • Movement/Attack Speed slow against melee heroes rescaled from 25 percent/25 to 20 percent/30
  • Movement/Attack Speed slow against ranged heroes rescaled from 50 percent/50 to 40 percent/60
  • Spirit Vessel
  • Recipe cost increased from 1000 to 1100
  • Satanic
  • Reduced attack damage bonus from 45 to 38
  • Urn of Shadows
  • Recipe cost increased from 335 to 375
  • Vladmir’s Offering
  • Recipe cost reduced from 400 to 250
  • Helm of the Overlord
  • Bonus lifesteal increased from 15 percent to 18 percent
  • Mana regen increased from 1.75 to two
  • Wraith Pact
  • Vladmirs Aura radius from 900 to 1200
  • Wraith Reprisal Damage Reduction increased from 25 percent to 30 percent
  • Wraith Reprisal DPS increased from 25 to 30
  • Casting a Wraith Reprisal deletes any previous totems spawned by the ability previously
  • Bonus lifesteal increased from 15 percent to 18 percent
  • Mana regen increased from 1.75 to two

Hero Updates

  • Arc Warden
  • Base damage increased from 47-57 to 51-57
  • Axe
  • Base Health regeneration reduced from 2.75 to 2.5
  • Berserker’s Call: Bonus Armor reduced from 30 to 25
  • Bane
  • Fiend’s Grip: Max Channel time reduced from six to 5/5.⅚ seconds
  • Bloodseeker
  • Blood Mist: Shard self damage is now magical instead of Pure
  • Blood Mist: Shard damage to enemies increased from five percent to seven percent
  • Blood Mist: Shard cooldown reduced from four seconds to three seconds
  • Broodmother
  • Spin Web: Mana Cost reduced from 50 to 40
  • Chaos Knight
  • Chaos Bolt: Shard bonus range decreased from 300 to 150
  • Chaos Strike: No longer applies Bonus damage to Creep Heroes and Roshan
  • Chen
  • Base Movement Speed increased from 300 to 305
  • Hand of God: Cooldown decreased from 160/140/120 to 150/130/110
  • Crystal Maiden
  • Freezing Field: Explosion damage radius increased from 300 to 320
  • Freezing Field: Move Speed slow increased from 30 percent to 40 percent
  • Freezing Field: Cooldown reduced from 110/100/90 to 90
  • Death Prophet
  • Spirit Siphon: Shard fear duration decreased from two seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Spirit Siphon: Base health drain per second reduced from 16 to 10/12/14/16
  • Exorcism: Now does 50 percent damage to buildings
  • Disruptor
  • Thunderstrike: Mana cost decreased from 130/140/150/160 to 125/130/135/140
  • Dragon Knight
  • Fireball: Shard Damage Per Second decreased from 80 to 75
  • Earthshaker
  • Fissure: Mana Cost reduced from 125/140/155/170 to 120/130/140/150
  • Ember Spirit
  • Sleight of Fist: Damage reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 45/80/115/150
  • Enchantress
  • Enchant: Can now only dominate creeps up to level 4/5/6/6
  • Enigma
  • Eidolon magic resistance increased from 50 percent to 60 percent
  • Eidolon bounty decreased from 20-26 to 18-24
  • Eidolon Experienced reduced from 12 to 10
  • Huskar
  • Berserker’s Blood: Strength as max health regeneration bonus decreased from 20 percent/40 percent/60 percent/80 percent to 16 percent/34 percent/52 percent/70 percent
  • Keeper of the Light
  • Base movement speed reduced from 330 to 320
  • Chakra Magic: Mana restored reduced from 100/180/260/340 to 80/160/240/320
  • Blinding Light: Knockback duration reduced from 0.8 seconds to 0.6 seconds
  • Lycan
  • Base Attack Speed increased from 100 to 110
  • Summon Wolves Shard Lane Wolf increased Attack Damage from 35-38 to 38-40
  • Summon Wolves: Increased attack damage from 17-20/23-26/29-32/35-38 to 20-23/26-29/32-34/38-40
  • Medusa
  • Split Shot: Damage reduced from 50/60/70/80 percent to 45/55/65/75 percent
  • Stone Gaze: Mana cost increased from 100 to 150
  • Necrophos
  • Reaper’s Scythe: Permanent heath regeneration decreased from three/six/nine to two/four/six
  • Death Seeker: Cooldown increased from 14 to 16
  • Death Seeker: Manacost increased from 100 to 125
  • Death Pulse: Heal reduced from 60/85/110/135 to 55/80/105/130
  • Nyx Assassin
  • Impale: Mana Cost reduced from 105/120/135/150 to 100/110/120/130
  • Impale: Spike radius increased from 125 to 140
  • Omniknight
  • Heavenly Grace: Mana Cost increased from 80/90/100/110 to 95/105/115/125
  • Phoenix
  • Icarus Dive: Damage per second increased from 10/30/50/70 to 15/35/55/75
  • Primal Beast
  • Onslaught: Has a sound audible through Fog of War
  • Uproar: Attack damage per stack decreased from 15/25/35/45 to 10/20/30/40
  • Uproar: Move speed slow per stack reduced from 10 percent to 8 percent
  • Uproar: Damage threshold increased from 35 to 50
  • Trample: Base damage reduced from 20/35/50/65 to 12/28/44/60
  • Trample: Attack Damage Percentage reduced from 40 percent to 35 percent
  • Rock Throw: Shard damage increased from 275 to 300
  • Talent: Level 20 talent Trample Attack Damage Percentage bonus reduced from +30 percent to +25 percent
  • Pudge
  • Dismember: Damage per second rescaled from 60/90/120 to 80/100/120
  • Pugna
  • Level 20 Decrepify Duration talent reduced from 1.5 seconds to a seconds
  • Decrepify: Cast range reduced from 400/500/600/700 to 400/475/550/625
  • Decrepify: Cooldown increased from 15/12/9/6 to 16/13/10/7
  • Nether Ward: Radius reduced from 1600 to 1400
  • Sand King
  • Sand Storm: DPS from 20/45/70/95 to 25/45/65/85
  • Sand Storm: Mana cost from 70/75/80/85 to 85
  • Epicenter: Shard Epicenter Bonus Damage Per Pulse reduced from 20 to 10
  • Talents
  • Level 10 Talent +20 Sandstorm Damage per Second reduced to +15
  • Level 15 Talent +150 Sand Storm Radius reduced to +125
  • Level 25 Talent +40 percent bonus Sandstorm Blind/Slow reduced to 35 percent
  • Slark
  • Dark Pact: Mana Cost reduced from 75 to 65
  • Dark Pact: Outgoing Damage rescaled from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300
  • Spectre
  • Base HP regen increased from 1.5 to 2.0
  • Base Agility increased from 23 to 25
  • Dispersion: Radius thresholds increased from 300-700 to 400-800
  • Storm Spirit
  • Base armor reduced by one
  • Level 10 mana regeneration talent reduced from +1.75 to +1.5
  • Overload: Damage decreased from 40/60/80/100 to 30/50/70/90
  • Sven
  • Warcry: Movement Speed bonus increased from 8 percent/12 percent/16 percent/20 percent to 10 percent/14 percent/18 percent/22 percent
  • Warcry: Shard Passive Armor increased from five to seven
  • Storm Hammer: Stun duration rescaled from 1.25/1.5/1.75/two seconds to 1.4/1.6/1.8/ two seconds
  • Storm Hammer: Manacost decreased from 110/120/130/140 to 110/115/120/125
  • Templar Assassin
  • Refraction: Bonus damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 25/45/65/85
  • Timbersaw
  • Whirling Death: Stat loss percentage decreased from 12 percent to 10 percent
  • Whirling Death: Stat loss duration decreased from 13/14/15/16 to 12/13/14/15
  • Tinker
  • Base Strength increased from 18 to 19
  • Laser: Mana Cost reduced from 110/130/150/170 to 105/120/135/150
  • Tiny
  • Tree Grab: Building reduced from 55 percent/70 percent/85 percent/100 percent to 40 percent/55 percent/70 percent/85 percent
  • Grow: Tree attack damage multiplier reduced from 40/45/50 percent to 20/30/40 percent
  • Tree Throw: Slow now also applies to Tree Volley damage
  • Talents:
  • Level 15 talent from +40% Grow Damage with Tree to +10% Status Resistance
  • Level 20 talent from +15% Status Resistance to +40% Grow Damage with Tree
  • Troll Warlord
  • Berserker’s Rage: Melee Form Base Attack Time improved from 1.45 to 1.4
  • Battle Trance: Fixed Troll sometimes not properly getting sight of its target in Fog of War
  • Undying
  • Tombstone: Cast Range reduced from 600 to 500
  • Tombstone: Zombie spawn interval increased from four/3.5/3/2.5 to four/3.6/3.2/2.8 seconds
  • Warlock
  • Chaotic Offering: Golem Health increases from 1200/2100/3000 to 1400/2300/3200, Golem Aghanim Health increased from 800/1600/2400 to 900/1700/2600
  • Winter Wyvern
  • Arctic Burn: Duration increased from eight seconds to 10 seconds
  • Splinter Burn: Secondary projectile speed increased from 650 to 800
  • Witch Doctor
  • Maledict: Damage per Second increased from 7/14/21/28 to 12/18/24/30
  • Zeus
  • Heavenly Jump: Distance increased from 450 to 500
  • Arc Lightning: Damage increased from 80/110/140/170 to 90/120/150/180
  • Lightning Bolt: Cast Point reduced from 0.4 seconds to 0.3 seconds

Dota 2 and the May 5 update are available exclusively on PC through Steam. For more information regarding this update, check out the official website.

  • Soul Stealer max stacks reduced from 25 to 20

  • Movement/Attack Speed slow against melee heroes rescaled from 25 percent/25 to 20 percent/30

  • Movement/Attack Speed slow against ranged heroes rescaled from 50 percent/50 to 40 percent/60

  • Recipe cost increased from 1000 to 1100

  • Reduced attack damage bonus from 45 to 38

  • Recipe cost increased from 335 to 375

  • Recipe cost reduced from 400 to 250

  • Bonus lifesteal increased from 15 percent to 18 percent

  • Mana regen increased from 1.75 to two

  • Vladmirs Aura radius from 900 to 1200

  • Wraith Reprisal Damage Reduction increased from 25 percent to 30 percent

  • Wraith Reprisal DPS increased from 25 to 30

  • Casting a Wraith Reprisal deletes any previous totems spawned by the ability previously

  • Bonus lifesteal increased from 15 percent to 18 percent

  • Mana regen increased from 1.75 to two

  • Base damage increased from 47-57 to 51-57

  • Base Health regeneration reduced from 2.75 to 2.5

  • Berserker’s Call: Bonus Armor reduced from 30 to 25

  • Fiend’s Grip: Max Channel time reduced from six to 5/5.⅚ seconds

  • Blood Mist: Shard self damage is now magical instead of Pure

  • Blood Mist: Shard damage to enemies increased from five percent to seven percent

  • Blood Mist: Shard cooldown reduced from four seconds to three seconds

  • Spin Web: Mana Cost reduced from 50 to 40

  • Chaos Bolt: Shard bonus range decreased from 300 to 150

  • Chaos Strike: No longer applies Bonus damage to Creep Heroes and Roshan

  • Base Movement Speed increased from 300 to 305

  • Hand of God: Cooldown decreased from 160/140/120 to 150/130/110

  • Freezing Field: Explosion damage radius increased from 300 to 320

  • Freezing Field: Move Speed slow increased from 30 percent to 40 percent

  • Freezing Field: Cooldown reduced from 110/100/90 to 90

  • Spirit Siphon: Shard fear duration decreased from two seconds to 1.5 seconds

  • Spirit Siphon: Base health drain per second reduced from 16 to 10/12/14/16

  • Exorcism: Now does 50 percent damage to buildings

  • Thunderstrike: Mana cost decreased from 130/140/150/160 to 125/130/135/140

  • Fireball: Shard Damage Per Second decreased from 80 to 75

  • Fissure: Mana Cost reduced from 125/140/155/170 to 120/130/140/150

  • Sleight of Fist: Damage reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 45/80/115/150

  • Enchant: Can now only dominate creeps up to level 4/5/6/6

  • Eidolon magic resistance increased from 50 percent to 60 percent

  • Eidolon bounty decreased from 20-26 to 18-24

  • Eidolon Experienced reduced from 12 to 10

  • Berserker’s Blood: Strength as max health regeneration bonus decreased from 20 percent/40 percent/60 percent/80 percent to 16 percent/34 percent/52 percent/70 percent

  • Base movement speed reduced from 330 to 320

  • Chakra Magic: Mana restored reduced from 100/180/260/340 to 80/160/240/320

  • Blinding Light: Knockback duration reduced from 0.8 seconds to 0.6 seconds

  • Base Attack Speed increased from 100 to 110

  • Summon Wolves Shard Lane Wolf increased Attack Damage from 35-38 to 38-40

  • Summon Wolves: Increased attack damage from 17-20/23-26/29-32/35-38 to 20-23/26-29/32-34/38-40

  • Split Shot: Damage reduced from 50/60/70/80 percent to 45/55/65/75 percent

  • Stone Gaze: Mana cost increased from 100 to 150

  • Reaper’s Scythe: Permanent heath regeneration decreased from three/six/nine to two/four/six

  • Death Seeker: Cooldown increased from 14 to 16

  • Death Seeker: Manacost increased from 100 to 125

  • Death Pulse: Heal reduced from 60/85/110/135 to 55/80/105/130

  • Impale: Mana Cost reduced from 105/120/135/150 to 100/110/120/130

  • Impale: Spike radius increased from 125 to 140

  • Heavenly Grace: Mana Cost increased from 80/90/100/110 to 95/105/115/125

  • Icarus Dive: Damage per second increased from 10/30/50/70 to 15/35/55/75

  • Onslaught: Has a sound audible through Fog of War

  • Uproar: Attack damage per stack decreased from 15/25/35/45 to 10/20/30/40

  • Uproar: Move speed slow per stack reduced from 10 percent to 8 percent

  • Uproar: Damage threshold increased from 35 to 50

  • Trample: Base damage reduced from 20/35/50/65 to 12/28/44/60

  • Trample: Attack Damage Percentage reduced from 40 percent to 35 percent

  • Rock Throw: Shard damage increased from 275 to 300

  • Talent: Level 20 talent Trample Attack Damage Percentage bonus reduced from +30 percent to +25 percent

  • Dismember: Damage per second rescaled from 60/90/120 to 80/100/120

  • Level 20 Decrepify Duration talent reduced from 1.5 seconds to a seconds

  • Decrepify: Cast range reduced from 400/500/600/700 to 400/475/550/625

  • Decrepify: Cooldown increased from 15/12/9/6 to 16/13/10/7

  • Nether Ward: Radius reduced from 1600 to 1400

  • Sand Storm: DPS from 20/45/70/95 to 25/45/65/85

  • Sand Storm: Mana cost from 70/75/80/85 to 85

  • Epicenter: Shard Epicenter Bonus Damage Per Pulse reduced from 20 to 10

  • Talents

  • Level 10 Talent +20 Sandstorm Damage per Second reduced to +15

  • Level 15 Talent +150 Sand Storm Radius reduced to +125

  • Level 25 Talent +40 percent bonus Sandstorm Blind/Slow reduced to 35 percent

  • Level 10 Talent +20 Sandstorm Damage per Second reduced to +15

  • Level 15 Talent +150 Sand Storm Radius reduced to +125

  • Level 25 Talent +40 percent bonus Sandstorm Blind/Slow reduced to 35 percent

  • Dark Pact: Mana Cost reduced from 75 to 65

  • Dark Pact: Outgoing Damage rescaled from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300

  • Base HP regen increased from 1.5 to 2.0

  • Base Agility increased from 23 to 25

  • Dispersion: Radius thresholds increased from 300-700 to 400-800

  • Base armor reduced by one

  • Level 10 mana regeneration talent reduced from +1.75 to +1.5

  • Overload: Damage decreased from 40/60/80/100 to 30/50/70/90

  • Warcry: Movement Speed bonus increased from 8 percent/12 percent/16 percent/20 percent to 10 percent/14 percent/18 percent/22 percent

  • Warcry: Shard Passive Armor increased from five to seven

  • Storm Hammer: Stun duration rescaled from 1.25/1.5/1.75/two seconds to 1.4/1.6/1.8/ two seconds

  • Storm Hammer: Manacost decreased from 110/120/130/140 to 110/115/120/125

  • Refraction: Bonus damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 25/45/65/85

  • Whirling Death: Stat loss percentage decreased from 12 percent to 10 percent

  • Whirling Death: Stat loss duration decreased from 13/14/15/16 to 12/13/14/15

  • Base Strength increased from 18 to 19

  • Laser: Mana Cost reduced from 110/130/150/170 to 105/120/135/150

  • Tree Grab: Building reduced from 55 percent/70 percent/85 percent/100 percent to 40 percent/55 percent/70 percent/85 percent

  • Grow: Tree attack damage multiplier reduced from 40/45/50 percent to 20/30/40 percent

  • Tree Throw: Slow now also applies to Tree Volley damage

  • Talents:

  • Level 15 talent from +40% Grow Damage with Tree to +10% Status Resistance

  • Level 20 talent from +15% Status Resistance to +40% Grow Damage with Tree

  • Level 15 talent from +40% Grow Damage with Tree to +10% Status Resistance

  • Level 20 talent from +15% Status Resistance to +40% Grow Damage with Tree

  • Berserker’s Rage: Melee Form Base Attack Time improved from 1.45 to 1.4

  • Battle Trance: Fixed Troll sometimes not properly getting sight of its target in Fog of War

  • Tombstone: Cast Range reduced from 600 to 500

  • Tombstone: Zombie spawn interval increased from four/3.5/3/2.5 to four/3.6/3.2/2.8 seconds

  • Chaotic Offering: Golem Health increases from 1200/2100/3000 to 1400/2300/3200, Golem Aghanim Health increased from 800/1600/2400 to 900/1700/2600

  • Arctic Burn: Duration increased from eight seconds to 10 seconds

  • Splinter Burn: Secondary projectile speed increased from 650 to 800

  • Maledict: Damage per Second increased from 7/14/21/28 to 12/18/24/30

  • Heavenly Jump: Distance increased from 450 to 500

  • Arc Lightning: Damage increased from 80/110/140/170 to 90/120/150/180

  • Lightning Bolt: Cast Point reduced from 0.4 seconds to 0.3 seconds