Among my haul of Steam Summer Sale-obtained goodies, Dorfromantik has been a highlight and in heavy circulation over the past week. It’s a gentle puzzle game about laying down procedurally generated hexagonal tiles to bring to life an endless, idyllic landscape of farmland, forests, waterways, quaint villages, and railroads. The experience is remarkably relaxing and tranquil. One that, despite a simple premise, packs in its fair share of complexity as you vie to create the perfect arrangement of tiles. Unfortunately for those of us already enamored with everything Dorfromantik has to offer, developer Toukana Interactive has announced it is shifting the 1.0 version’s release date from 2021 to Spring 2022.

As Toukana explains:

Dorfromantik Early Access Road Map

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. Toukana Interactive softened the blow by confirming they still plan to release all of the promised Early Access roadmap updates through to the end of this year. The delay is, in fact, to allow sufficient time to squeeze in an additional update. This third major update, bundled up in the full 1.0 release, will add a new game mode, community challenges, custom seeds, and rule customization.

Before then, though, a 0.2 Creative Update is on track for this Summer, ushering in a creative move, a performance upgrade, save games, and balance changes. In its wake, players can expect Dorfromantik 0.3 content update in Fall/Winter, introducing new special tiles, challenges, and biomes. Aside from these beefier updates, Toukana Interactive notes that smaller additional features are also in the works. These range from adding to the game’s lovely if a little sparse soundtrack, controller support, an undo function, localization support for more languages, and perfect placement hints.

While a Spring 2022 release date seems far off, Dorfromantik more than warrants a try in its current state, especially with a welcome Steam Summer Sale discount to ease the hit on our wallets.