Don’t Die, Minerva! is a pretty fun indie game currently in early access for Steam and Xbox. It’s part Luigi’s Mansion, part rogue-lite, and part bullet hell. All this adds up to be a pretty fun and somewhat adorable game.

Adorable, yet frustrating. As the title requests, you should not let Minerva die because if you do, it’s back to the beginning to start again from scratch. It is a rogue-lite, after all.

Having only released on the 5th of this month, Don’t Die, Minerva! has gone down reasonably well with players, even if there are still a fair few bugs to iron out. They don’t call it early access for anything.

Despite only being playable for less than two weeks, developers Xaviant have announced the first big update for the game in an announcement that’s full of terrible puns thanks to a new friendly that Minerva can use. Namely, the Bee.

The Bee orbits around Minerva acting as a wrecking ball that can protect the player whilst landing hits on the enemies. In the words of Xaviant, you won’t bee-lieve it.

As well as the Bee, there’s a new flashlight that fires explosive orbs, 12 new rooms to add more variety to the house, and both Epic and Legendary items will be 200% more likely to drop.

There is some quality of life changes on offer too that should help ease in a lot more players. For starters, essence crystals will appear more frequently, allowing more permanent upgrades. A difficulty balance will be implemented, which promises an excellent learning curve for beginners while ironing out spikes for experienced players.

And there will be bug fixes. Lots of them, which is understandable for a game in early access, but nice to hear.

Should you be interested in giving Don’t Die, Minerva!  a try, take a look a the new developer’s blog here, and if you want to buy the game itself, you can do so from Steam or the Xbox store at a new price of $12.99.