Most farming sims never truly end, even if a long credit sequence rolls. Wylde Flowers is heavily narrative-driven, though, so players may be wondering what happens after they complete their final main task.

The game doesn’t end for you when the credits roll. You can keep playing for as long as you like. There seem to also be more quests that will pop up after you’ve beaten the core story of the game, so there’s no reason for you to stop playing. There are tons of quests and people to get to know, so just kick back, relax, and enjoy the slow grind of the game.

Typically, you will find that completing the main story in games like Wylde Flowers doesn’t even start to scratch the surface of the game’s overall content. The main story is meant to introduce you to the game and world surrounding your character.

If you are looking for more from the main story, though, then your situation may be a bit more complicated. There are seemingly no plans to expand the story of the game at the time of writing.

For more on Wylde Flowers, check back here on Pro Game Guides!