Triangle Strategy is the one of few strategy role-playing games (SRPG) released since Fire Emblem: Three Houses in 2019. And given the tactical nature of SRPGs, you may be wondering if Triangle Strategy has one of the genre staples: job systems.

Can you change jobs/classes in Triangle Strategy?

Every character in Triangle Strategy is unique, so if you’re asking whether or not units can change jobs: no, they cannot. However, you can upgrade their current class in camp. For example, you can evolve Frederica into a more powerful fire mage, but she can’t become an archer.

While it may seem that this limits the way you can play the game, it won’t. If you’re the type of person who runs an all-mage team, then you simply have to recruit more mages. Corentin Jennar is one example. He’s an ice mage. If you want more archers, then you need people like Rudolph Mueller in your army.

Characters can be recruited as part of the main story or in between cutscenes. You just need to make sure that your moral alignment is compatible with theirs.

For more help with Triangle Strategy, take a look at some of the other articles here at Pro Game Guides.