While we wholly appreciate cross-play functionality, we are big supporters of cross-progression saves. The ability to take your saved content with you to whatever platform you are playing on is such a fantastic feature to be included in multiplatform games that we believe every game appearing on more than one platform should support it. Super Animal Royale originally was exclusive to Steam, but over time is making its way to consoles, starting with Xbox. Does this furry battle royale support cross-progression saves?
We are delighted to let you know that Super Animal Royale has cross-progression functionality with its saves across all platforms you can play it on. The first time you boot up the game, you will see a welcome screen asking if you would like to create or sign in to a Super Animal Royale account.
If you have created an account before, be sure to use the same email and password you used on the first platform, and all of your stats and cosmetics you have acquired will automatically make their way over to the new platform with you. The next time you boot up the game on the other platform, everything will be automatically added as well. As long as you are not playing on a new console, there is no need to sign in again.
If, for whatever reason, you need to unlink your account from a platform, pull up the menu sidebar on the main screen and select Account. You will be brought back to the title screen, where you will be asked if you want to unlink your account. From there, you can sign in to a different account.