Fans of the farming RPG series Rune Factory have been demanding that the developers include same-sex relationships in the game. When the latest installment of the series, Rune Factory 5, was released in Japan, players were disappointed to find that when confessing to a character of the same sex, they were shot down. If a player wanted to marry someone of the same sex, they had to change to the opposite gender. So, does the Western release of Rune Factory 5 follow that or has it been changed?

Thankfully, XSEED Games, the Western publisher for Rune Factory 5, changed elements in the game’s code to include same-sex marriage. So, if you’re playing Ares, the male protagonist, you’re free to marry any of the bachelors. The same can be said for the bachelorettes if you’re playing the female protagonist, Alice.

To marry anyone in the game, you’ll have to raise their affection to seven or above to have a chance to successfully confess your love. At level seven, you have a 30% chance of your feelings being accepted. So, we recommend waiting until your relationship level is at eight, where you have a 60% chance of your feelings being reciprocated. Your chances of your confession going over well will also depend if you’re dating anyone else in Rigbarth. If you’re dating someone else, your chances get lower by 10% per person you’re dating.