PUBG: New State intends to offer an immersive gameplay experience by offering advanced controls. In addition to this, using a controller definitely makes this job easier because of the presence of physical buttons. Mobile games like Call of Duty: Mobile allows players to connect their Xbox One and DualShock 4 controllers. If you are wondering if that’s the case with PUBG: New State, here’s your answer.

Can you play PUBG: New State with controller

As of now, PUBG: New State doesn’t have controller support, and there is no information regarding whether Krafton will add it in the future or not. The reason for the non-availability of this feature might be to keep the game fair for everyone, just like playing on an emulator is prohibited.

If you are having issues handling your in-game character in PUBG: New State, you can customize the controls by going into the settings. In addition to this, you can also practice getting used to the touch controls as many times as you want in the training mode.

You can have a look at the complete explanation of all the controls options available in PUBG: New State in the game’s media showcase video below.