Diablo Immortal was originally announced as a mobile game. In it, players would be taking on the demonic forces alongside other friends in a classic dungeon-crawling adventure. However, leading up to the game’s release, there have been a few changes, such as making the game available on PC. Because Diablo Immortal is available on mobile devices and PC, will it have cross-save?

We can confirm that Diablo Immortal will have cross-save, which means cross-progression. With this feature, you’ll be able to play your Diablo Immortal profile file on your smartphone, and when you’re back at home, you can begin playing it on your PC. The opposite is also true, giving you the flexibility to play Diablo Immortal in any location you want, giving you further options to play the game. Depending on when you can sit down and give it a try, you may prefer playing on your smartphone until you’re back home or in a more comfortable location.

The decision to bring Diablo Immortal over to the PC means Diablo fans will not be limited to playing it on their smartphone devices. When Diablo Immortal was originally announced, it was supposed to be a mobile-only game, which fans did not take well and had quite a bit of backlash. However, that decision has been uprooted, but fans can still play the game on their mobile devices.

The beta for Diablo Immortal drops on June 2, allowing you to check out the game before it releases. Diablo Immortal will be a free-to-play game.