See which platforms offer cross progression
Dead By Daylight is a hit horror game for gamers looking for an adrenaline rush of getting chased around by a psycho killer of another gamer’s choosing. There are plenty of characters to choose from whether you are a survivor or a killer. Recently, a lot of players have been trying to play cross-platform to get that adrenaline rush and rank up their characters. Does Dead By Daylight have cross progression? That is what we will answer today. Here is everything you need to know about cross progression in Dead By Daylight.
Can I Cross-Progress in Dead By Daylight?
Yes, Dead By Daylight has cross-progression on some platforms. However, Dead By Daylight does not have cross-progression on others. The game is currently available on Steam, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Epic Games Store, Windows Store, Nintendo Switch and Stadia. Cross-progression is only available between certain platforms.
What Platforms Support Cross Progression?
Cross-progression is only available between Steam and Google Stadia platforms. To enable it, players must link their Behaviour Interactive accounts with their Steam and Google Stadia accounts. Once you have registered your account, your progress and inventories (which include DLCs, purchases, and skins) will all be synchronized.
Auric Cells are platform-specific, however, and cannot be shared between platforms unless they were earned via Rift progression. Also, you can only link one account per platform, so you cannot link two separate Steam accounts. Lastly, if you have purchased the same piece of content on two different platforms, you will not be refunded if you merge your accounts.
Can I Unlink My Accounts?
- “If you unlink an account after it has been merged, all progress and purchases will be set to the state it was before the merge, potentially causing a loss of progress / virtual goods on that platform. When you unlink your platform account from your Behaviour Account, you’ll have to wait 60 days to link a new platform account (of the same platform) to your Behaviour Account. You will also have to wait 60 days to link that platform account to another Behaviour Account.”
The developer also explained what progress you keep when you unlink your account:
- “When you unlink your platform account from your Behaviour account, your unlocked items, perks, characters, character levels, and player level will be returned to the platform account in the same state as when the account was originally linked. Any remaining auric cells purchased on that platform since linking, or items purchased using auric cells, will also be returned to the platform account. Bloodpoints, Iridescent Shards, and Auric Cells unlocked through gameplay will remain on the Behaviour account. Any unlocked characters that were transferred to the unlinked platform account will be unavailable to the Behaviour account (unless repurchased). If unlinking the account would leave the Behaviour account with NO remaining platform accounts, then all Bloodpoints, Iridescent Shards, and Auric Cells remaining on the Behaviour account will be granted to the final platform account that was unlinked.”
Check out some of the best perks to use with Wesker in Dead by Daylight.
Dead By Daylight is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, PC, IOS, and Android.
- This article was updated on August 31st, 2022
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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Does Dead by Daylight Have Cross Progression?