In a game that’s filled with choices, Tower of Fantasy presents its players with one pretty early on, and on the surface, it’s a big one. Without spoiling the introductory scenario, within minutes of starting to play Tower of Fantasy, you have to make a choice between playing as the male or female protagonist — very similar to Genshin Impact. After making the choice, many players would wonder what has changed in the story with it. Is it really a choice on a surface level, or is there more to it? And does your choice of gender influence the story of Tower of Fantasy in any way?

How does your choice of gender change the story in Tower of Fantasy?

Even before they started playing the game, many players have toyed around with Tower of Fantasy’s inbuilt character customization tool. It is a fun little app that allowed players to customize the looks of their characters in any way they wanted and this led to the creation of many wonderful recreations. Not many knew at that point that what they created there would then, within the story, be transferred onto one of the two protagonists — one male, and the other female. And what’s interesting is that you weren’t stuck with matching the genders of either of your creation or the protagonist with each other.

However, as players delved deeper into the story of the game and began adventuring all over Aida, a logical question arose. What would happen if they picked the other option? How does it affect the story as a whole? 

However, now that the game has been out for a while and comparisons can be drawn, we can conclusively say that nothing changes. The choice you made all the way at the beginning of the game has no influence whatsoever on how the story progresses or how NPCs interact with your character. Therefore, you can rest easy knowing that you don’t have to, for example, create an alt account just for the sake of finding out the story from “the other side” or anything like that.