The stage has been set. The Dragon Lord has been set free and the world is in turmoil. You and Butt Stallion gallantly traverse Shattergrave Barrow to find the Sword of Souls. You return the sword to Brighthoof and the sun begins to shine once more. The skeletons are gone, the town is fixed, and the NPCs are vibrant as ever. Too bad this doesn’t last long and the Dragon Lord comes swooping in to behead Butt Stallion. The queen’s body lies dead in the streets of Brighthoof. Will you ever see her again? Or is the world doomed to live on without Butt Stallion? Here we will answer whether or not Butt Stallion makes a triumphant return in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, so spoilers ahead.
With the queen dead, the Dragon Lord takes control of the Wonderlands and his skeleton army soon blankets the map. With so much evil in the world, you are bound to see hope again at some point, but it will take a while. You will see Butt Stallion again when you are nearing the end of the game, except, it won’t really be Butt Stallion. The Knight Mare boss will appear at the end of Ossu-Gol Necropolis. This terrifying creature is Butt Stallion’s head glued to the body of an undead knight. Not exactly the reunion you hoped for.
For a true reunion, you will have to wait until you have reached the end of the game. When you reach the top of the Fearamid, you will face off against the fearsome Dragon Lord. This boss fight will last quite some time. When you emerge victorious, you will retrieve the Sword of Souls. After a brief conversation, you will choose to spare the Dragon Lord before holding the sword aloft, creating a magnificent sky beam that Marvel would be proud of. Out of this beam, Butt Stallion will reappear. Once the cutscene is over, you will see Butt Stallion marching around the Dragon Lord’s boss arena much as she did back in Assault on Dragon Keep. She will also shoot out loot every now and then. Butt Stallion will remain in Brighthoof after that where she can be found in front of her castle. And no, you can’t feed her to get loot.