Apex Legends did not offer cross-platform when it initially launched in February 2019. Developer Respawn Entertainment has detailed it was always a thought, and it knew players were looking forward to when it would become a reality. Following the EA Play live event for 2020, Respawn Entertainment has confirmed cross-platform will become a reality and it will be available sometime in fall 2020.

Cross-play will be arriving to Apex Legends on October 6. You will be able to play Apex Legends with all of your friends across Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam, Origin, and when it releases, the Nintendo Switch, which should be happening roughly around the same time.

The desire for cross-play has been a heated drive for members of the Apex Legends community. The developers at Respawn Entertainment had continued to listen. The arrival of cross-play could drop at the same time a new season arrives for all players, giving everyone playing Apex Legends the chance to level up a battle pass with friends from all over.