An exciting animated series is making its way onto Disney+ in August. What if Peggy Carter took on a Captain America role? How about, what if Yondu and the Reavers abducted a young Black Panther instead of Star-Lord? What if Tony Stark and the Bruce Banner currently in his Hulk formation, went through an anamorphic chamber and came out of it looking like a green Beast from X-Men? Okay, so everything but that last part. Anything is possible in Marvel’s What If…?. The possibilities seem endless with Marvel’s beloved storylines…and anything can happen.

Marvel Veterans Lend their Voices

A good majority of the actors from the live action Marvel Universe shall be reprising their roles for the show as well.  Just to name a few, Samuel L. Jackson, Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr.,  Hayley Atwell, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, and even the late Chadwick Boseman. Still not excited? Westworld’s Jeffrey Wright will be leading the show as Uatu, the official watcher of the entire multiverse who occasional gets involved in said multiverse’s shenanigans. Oh, and he lives on the moon.

What If…?  initially started as a comic series in 1977. It gave Marvel writers a better chance to explore their universe further if minor yet pivotal changes had taken place within their stories. Some of the introduced plotlines were actually quite fun and entertaining…some, arguably, better than the originals. Others…well…weren’t good. Okay, some were pretty awful. “Awful” things, however, can still be quite entertaining and fun. Regardless of whether or not these adaptions are good or bad, it doesn’t really matter. The explorative nature of this series is very intriguing.

Whether fans approve or disapprove of the plotlines and twists doesn’t really matter, it looks like it will be a very enjoyable experience overall. The animation by animation studio Squeeze is beautiful. The series animation has adopted a cel-shaded style that implements both 2D and 3D characteristics. Looking at the trailer, there is much for fans and newcomers to Marvel to get excited about.