Once you’ve gotten the hang of traveling around the new Disney-themed adventure game, Disney Dreamlight Valley, and new task arises: Crafting. Now, this might not seem like it’d be too difficult of a task, and it’s not. The difficult part is finding all of the crafting materials and flowers used to craft. In this article, I will give you a rundown of all the crafting materials and flowers that you can find in Dreamlight Valley and even show you where to find them. Keep reading, and we’ll get you ready to get crafting!
All Crafting Materials and Flower Types
There are loads of crafting materials and flower types to keep track of during your time in Dreamlight Valley. Here is a quick list of what they are:
Crafting Materials and Locations
- Clay
- Clay can be found in Glade of Trust, Sunlit Plateau, and Forgotten Lands
- Can be sold for 20 Coins
- Coal Ore
- Coal Ore can be found in all biomes
- Can be sold for 5 Coins
- Cotton
- Cotton can be found in the Sunlit Plateau, or through farming
- Can be sold for 37 Coins
- Crystal
- Crystal can be found in the Forgotten Lands biome
- Can be sold for 30 Coins
- Dark Wood
- Dark Wood can be found in the Forgotten Lands biome
- Can be sold for 50 Coins
- Dream Shard
- Dream Shards can be found in any Dreamlight Valley biome
- Dream Shards can’t be sold
- Dry Wood
- Dry Wood can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, and Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 25 Coins
- Gold Nugget
- Gold Nuggets can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, and Sunlight Plateau
- Can be sold for 20 Coins
- Hard Wood
- Hard Wood can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, and Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 10 Coins
- Iron Ore
- Iron Ore can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, and Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 10 Coins
- Night Shard
- Night Shards can be found in any Dreamlight Valley biome
- Can not be sold
- Pebbles
- Pebbles can be found in Dazzle Beach, Forest of Valor, Forgotten Lands, and Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 10 Coins
- Sand
- Sand can only be found in Dazzle Beach
- Can be sold for 5 Coins
- Soft Wood
- Soft Wood can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, Peaceful Meadow, Plaza, and Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 5 Coins
- Soil
- Soil can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, Peaceful Meadow, Plaza, and Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 3 Coins
- Stone
- Stone can be found in all Dreamlight Valley biomes
- Can be sold for 2 Coins
How to Unlock New Biomes in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Clay can be found in Glade of Trust, Sunlit Plateau, and Forgotten Lands
Can be sold for 20 Coins
Coal Ore can be found in all biomes
Can be sold for 5 Coins
Cotton can be found in the Sunlit Plateau, or through farming
Can be sold for 37 Coins
Crystal can be found in the Forgotten Lands biome
Can be sold for 30 Coins
Dark Wood can be found in the Forgotten Lands biome
Can be sold for 50 Coins
Dream Shards can be found in any Dreamlight Valley biome
Dream Shards can’t be sold
Dry Wood can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, and Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 25 Coins
Gold Nuggets can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, and Sunlight Plateau
Can be sold for 20 Coins
Hard Wood can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, and Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 10 Coins
Iron Ore can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, and Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 10 Coins
Night Shards can be found in any Dreamlight Valley biome
Can not be sold
Pebbles can be found in Dazzle Beach, Forest of Valor, Forgotten Lands, and Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 10 Coins
Sand can only be found in Dazzle Beach
Can be sold for 5 Coins
Soft Wood can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, Peaceful Meadow, Plaza, and Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 5 Coins
Soil can be found in Forgotten Lands, Frosted Heights, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, Peaceful Meadow, Plaza, and Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 3 Coins
Stone can be found in all Dreamlight Valley biomes
Can be sold for 2 Coins
Flowers and Locations
- Black Passion Lily
- Can be found in Frosted Heights
- Can be sold for 79 Coins
- Blue Falling Penstemon
- Can be found in Plaza
- Can be sold for 23 Coins
- Blue Hydrangea
- Can be found in Dazzle Beach
- Can be sold for 28 Coins
- Blue Marsh Milkweed
- Can be found in Glade of Trust
- Can be sold for 48 Coins
- Blue Passion Lily
- Can be found in Frosted Heights
- Can be sold for 56 Coins
- Blue Star Lily
- Can be found in Forest of Valor
- Can be sold for 30 Coins
- Dandelion
- Can be found in Plaza
- Can be sold for 23 Coins
- Green Passion Lily
- Can be found in Frosted Heights
- Can be sold for 28 Coins
- Green Rising Penstemon
- Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
- Can be sold for 35 Coins
- Orange and Red Marsh Milkweed
- Can be found in Glade of Trust
- Can be sold for 66 Coins
- Orange Houseleek
- Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 52 Coins
- Orange Nasturtium
- Can be found in Forgotten Lands
- Can be sold for 60 Coins
- Orange Star Lily
- Can be found in Forest of Valor
- Can be sold for 43 Coins
- Pine Bromeliad
- Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 27 Coins
- Pink Houseleek
- Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 35 Coins
- Pink Hydrangea
- Can be found in Dazzle Beach
- Can be sold for 22 Coins
- Purple Bell Flower
- Can be found in Forest of Valor
- Can be sold for 30 Coins
- Purple Falling Penstemon
- Can be found in Plaza
- Can be sold for 23 coins
- Purple Hydrangea
- Can be found in Dazzle Beach
- Can be sold for 39 Coins
- Purple Impatiens
- Can be found in Forgotten Lands
- Can be sold for 40 Coins
- Purple Marsh Milkweed
- Can be found in Glade of Trust
- Can be sold for 25 Coins
- Purple Rising Penstemon
- Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
- Can be sold for 25 Coins
- Red Bell Flower
- Can be found in Forest of Valor
- Can be sold for 25 Coins
- Red Bromeliad
- Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 27 Coins
- Red Daisy
- Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
- Can be sold for 48 Coins
- Red Falling Penstemon
- Can be found in Plaza
- Can be sold for 18 Coins
- Red Nasturtium
- Can be found Forgotten Lands
- Can be sold for 40 Coins
- Red Passion Lily
- Can be found in Frosted Heights
- Can be sold for 38 Coins
- Sunflower
- Can be found in Dazzle Beach
- Can be sold for 28 Coins
- White and Pink Falling Penstemon
- Can be found in Plaza
- Can be sold for 41 Coins
- White and Red Hydrangea
- Can be found in Dazzle Beach
- Can be sold in 54 Coins
- White Bell Flowers
- Can be found in Forest of Valor
- Can be sold for 60 Coins
- White Daisy
- Can be Found in Peaceful Meadow
- Can be sold for 25 Coins
- White Impatiens
- Can be found in Forgotten Lands
- Can be sold for 30 Coins
- White Marsh Milkweed
- Can be found in Glade of Trust
- Can be sold for 33 Coins
- White Passion Lilly
- Can be found in Frosted Heights
- Can be sold for 38 Coins
- Yellow Bromeliad
- Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
- Can be sold for 73 Coins
- Yellow Daisy
- Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
- Can be sold for 20 Coins
- Yellow Nasturtium
- Can be found in Forgotten Lands
- Can be sold for 85 Coins
Now get out and start looking for some crafting materials and flowers so you can fix up the lovely town of Dreamlight Valley!
Can be found in Frosted Heights
Can be sold for 79 Coins
Can be found in Plaza
Can be sold for 23 Coins
Can be found in Dazzle Beach
Can be sold for 28 Coins
Can be found in Glade of Trust
Can be sold for 48 Coins
Can be found in Frosted Heights
Can be sold for 56 Coins
Can be found in Forest of Valor
Can be sold for 30 Coins
Can be found in Frosted Heights
Can be sold for 28 Coins
Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
Can be sold for 35 Coins
Can be found in Glade of Trust
Can be sold for 66 Coins
Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 52 Coins
Can be found in Forgotten Lands
Can be sold for 60 Coins
Can be found in Forest of Valor
Can be sold for 43 Coins
Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 27 Coins
Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 35 Coins
Can be found in Dazzle Beach
Can be sold for 22 Coins
Can be found in Plaza
Can be sold for 23 coins
Can be found in Dazzle Beach
Can be sold for 39 Coins
Can be found in Forgotten Lands
Can be sold for 40 Coins
Can be found in Glade of Trust
Can be sold for 25 Coins
Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
Can be sold for 25 Coins
Can be found in Forest of Valor
Can be sold for 25 Coins
Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
Can be sold for 48 Coins
Can be found in Plaza
Can be sold for 18 Coins
Can be found Forgotten Lands
Can be sold for 40 Coins
Can be found in Frosted Heights
Can be sold for 38 Coins
Can be found in Plaza
Can be sold for 41 Coins
Can be found in Dazzle Beach
Can be sold in 54 Coins
Can be found in Forest of Valor
Can be sold for 60 Coins
Can be Found in Peaceful Meadow
Can be sold for 25 Coins
Can be found in Forgotten Lands
Can be sold for 30 Coins
Can be found in Glade of Trust
Can be sold for 33 Coins
Can be found in Sunlit Plateau
Can be sold for 73 Coins
Can be found in Peaceful Meadow
Can be sold for 20 Coins
Can be found in Forgotten Lands
Can be sold for 85 Coins