Director, Quentin Tarantino had initially planned for his most recent (and arguably his best among critics) film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019), to be his last. In a recent interview with Bill Maher, however, he has revealed that he wants to do one more while he is still in his filmmaking prime. Many of us, shall gladly accept this with open arms.

Tarantino’s Film Aesthetics

Director, Quentin Tarantino, blasted onto the Hollywood scene with his Sundance film entry, Reservoir Dogs (1992). Two years later, he launched into the stratosphere with Pulp Fiction (1994). It was with this film, he solidified his career as a Hollywood director. His films have gained notoriety for mastering violence, having cursing sound sophisticated (the screenplays are pretty great), and showing off with tracking shots. Another great thing was his knack for poking fun at film aesthetics just to show that he can do them better (a humble man, he is not). One of his biggest flaunts, however, is in the nonlinear film editing (incorporated into his films) that many a film student has tried to copy since. In fact you could not walk into any film school without students wanting to worship his name. It’s a thing.

Honestly, it is kind of fair; because honestly? The glorified violence, the cursing, and the dark comedy just make us feel good. Even if the man’s personality and fixation with feet, can make us cringe on occasion. Who are we to judge? We all have our own quarks. Tarantino is still a great filmmaker in his own right. His films can be depressing and yet somehow, can make a connection with his audiences. He can have an audience leave the theater feeling both happy and self-righteous. It could be the combination of comic-strip-inspired sequences that meld with spaghetti Westerns or some could just call it genius. When all is said in done, he has made a career by obsessing over films and fully understanding their chemistry and what makes them fun.

Bill Maher Interview Revelations

It is this love of cinema that has made Quentin Tarantino admit in an interview with Bill Maher, to quit while he is ahead. He has claimed he doesn’t want to be one of those directors who has a bunch of great films in the first half of their career and go on to embarrass himself in the latter half. Yes, it is a slight ego thing. However, he is not wrong.

“Because I know film history and from here on end, directors do not get better.” Although there is truth in that statement, one cannot deny the ego; but when you look into it further Tarantino isn’t really making a bad call. He is a new father and has been very satisfied with a long 30-year film career. Why not go out while on top and with a bang? It is quite classy, once you stop and think about it.

“At the same time, working for 30 years doing as many movies as I’ve done, it’s not as many as other people, but that’s a long career. That’s a really long career.” It is quite a treat to actually get one more film out of the director. Tarantino managed to mention to Bill Maher, who joked about a Reservoir Dogs remake to be his final film, that he was tempted to do just that. He did however, shoot that idea down. Thankfully. In a time where one is nauseated by the idea of reboots (especially for films that were decent, to begin with), this is welcome news. It could just be me on that front, but I shall make a stand on this hill. Here is why.  Not that a remake wouldn’t look cool…but wouldn’t you rather see a new Tarantino that you haven’t already seen before? Exactly!