With the drastic changes in the global climate, it is of utmost importance to monitor the carbon footprint of all the different sectors and industries. Gaming is one such industry and major players in this industry have pledged to do something to reduce carbon emissions in the world.

The comparison also took account of playing time of popular titles. In this comparison, it found that Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is the game that causes the most damage to the environment in terms of play-time. The average time to complete the game is 40 hrs 24 mins. Then comes GTA-V and Fallout 76, both of these takes 32 hrs to complete.

Taking account of the carbon emissions by the gaming industry, last year, a collection of 21 companies in the gaming sector came together and pledged to reduce carbon footprint by more than 30 million tons by 2030 through technology innovations and “green nudges”. They will provide in-game prompts to players to consume less power. The group includes prominent names like Sony Interactive Entertainment, Google Stadia, Microsoft, Rovio, Supercell, Ubisoft, Sybo and WildWorks.