While adding a new Digimon to your team is a fantastic method to strengthen it, you can also have a lot of success by Digivolving your current Digimon. The Sea Animal Digimon Zudomon may assist in both of these situations because, in addition to being a strong Digimon in and of itself, if players ask it for an item instead of requesting to be its buddy, it will give them a rare evolution item. So, here is how to get and befriend Zudomon in Digimon Survive.

Get/Befriend Zudomon

To befriend a Digimon in Digimon Survive, players must first pick the Talk option while fighting and then choose the desired Digimon from the list of enemies on the right.

After that, they must react to three of its queries or claims. Their responses have an impact on the bar over the Digimon’s head. For a chance to befriend the Digimon at the conclusion of the talk, the finest replies are worth two segments, and three or more are required.

The Sea Animal Digimon is quite cautious and puts a lot of weight on strength, unlike Sangloupmon and IceLeomon, both of whom share Zudomon’s inquiries and answers. It’s not an extremely aggressive Digimon. Players can refer to the list below for the best Zudomon answers, or they can utilize this knowledge when responding to its questions.

  • Do you think I’m uptight? → You seem serious.
  • Can I trust humans…? → They may betray you…
  • What do you believe is “right”? → Power, of course.
  • Would you rather fight a weak enemy or a strong enemy? → Fighting is barbaric.
  • Do you think you can do anything by force? → Strength is justice.
  • I won’t forgive anyone that disturbs the peace in this area! → You got it all wrong.
  • If you saw a raging fire heading towards a crying child, what would you do? → Yell “save yourself!”

If you want to befriend Zudomon for yourself, Digimon Survive is now available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam.