Die by the Blade is a highly anticipated fighting game set to release soon. Where games like Mortal Kombat allow a few hits, a single one kills you here. It is not just a fighting game, but a realistic sword-fighting game. The one-strike death aspect does well to show how deadly swords can be. The developers of the title recently released a video detailing gameplay.

Die by the Blade’s In-Depth Gameplay

Like any fighting game, dodging in Die by the Blade is important and is being steadily worked on. Characters can roll to either side of their enemy. Or, if a sword is too long, you can perform a dodge that moves them further from the tip. In addition, there will be objects characters can traverse. This means that if one match was too intense, the next can be fought from higher ground. But dodging and backing away won’t be your only way to fight in Die by the Blade. You will also be able to string attacks together. These attack combos are indicated by color when successful: white (1st), yellow (2nd), and red (3rd). The way one attacks is determined by a set of four stances: forward, down, up, and back.

Feinting is another way for you to fight in Die by the Blade. If your attack leaves you open, cancel it before it lands. This can be done by hitting the block button.

The developers are doing their best to refine current features and add new ones. The fully realized Die by the Blade is set to release sometime in 2021. It will be available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo platforms. You can contribute to the Kickstarter until November 13th of this month.