Diablo Immortal is the latest entry of the series designed for mobile devices. Like the previous games, Diablo Immortal is an MMORPG that takes place between the events of Diablo II and Diablo III. A series of mini-quests is known as Bounties that players can complete in this game. There is a bounty that players should clear cobwebs to complete, so here is the guide on how to complete Clearing the Cobwebs in Diablo Immortal.

How to Complete Clearing the Cobwebs in Diablo Immortal

Completing the quests in Diablo Immortal will give players some experience that can be useful for leveling up. To complete the Clearing Cobwebs bounty in Diablo Immortal players should kill 50 spiders in an area near Cemetery. The problem is that there aren’t 50 spiders in that area, there are only five at a time.

So to complete this bounty, you have to kill the five spiders, then wait 10 minutes so the creatures would respawn again. And it makes it even worst that can’t do it with friends playing co-op, so more creatures would spawn for them.

It’s a waste of time, and the reward is not worth it. In the meantime, you can complete another quest without waiting and get even more experience points. So it is best to abandon this bounty. If you don’t know how to abandon it, don’t worry.

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So to abandon this bounty, go to the Menu. Then select the Quest option. Choose to Abandon the quest and then go to the Bounty Board located in Westmarch to choose another bounty. You will get new bounties every day, which means you can always refresh them for a more suitable bounty. To do this, hit the refresh button in the upper left corner.

Diabl0 Immortal is available for iOS, Android, and Windows.