Blizzard has just announced plans for a Diablo 20th Anniversary celebration that will feature special events in a bunch of different Blizzard games. Everything from Diablo 3 to Heroes of the Storm will have something going on for the celebration. Each will feature special events and items that will only be available for a limited time, so be ready to hop on and take advantage of this unique celebration.

The specific games involved in the Diablo 20th Anniversary celebration are “Diablo III, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch, StarCraft II, and World of Warcraft.” Each will have its own special event, which Blizzard gave a small taste of in their announcement. You can check out what is happening in each game below.

Diablo III: Recapture the feeling of your first play through of the original Diablo with The Darkening of Tristram tribute event. Venture through a reimagined version of the original cathedral in Diablo III and keep an eye out for some familiar items.

Heroes of the Storm: The battle for the High Heavens continues, and a new Diablo-themed portrait is up for grabs! Can you emerge victorious on this hectic new brawl map?

Hearthstone: In this Tavern Brawl, a hooded stranger awaits, holding a grim deck in his hands. Will you unravel the secrets surrounding this dark wanderer?

Overwatch: Bring the battle for Sanctuary into the fight for the future with in-game sprays representing your favorite Diablo III classes—along with a new player icon modeled after the Lord of Terror!

StarCraft II: Put the Lord of Terror to work for you with a Diablo-themed worker portrait.

World of Warcraft: Strange things are afoot in the world of Azeroth as denizens of Sanctuary cross over into an unfamiliar world.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Diablo 20th Anniversary Celebration Hits Overwatch, HOTS, and Other Blizzard Games

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