Devolver Digital has been revealing a ton of games this year, and today they’ve shown no sign of stopping. As announced on their official Twitter page, a new game from one of their studios will be unveiled at The Game Awards later this week. With the team having several titles in development, it’ll be interesting to see what they have to show this time.

Watch #TheGameAwards Thursday night for the reveal of a new game we’re working on!

— Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) December 9, 2019

One of the circulating theories regarding this new title is a new Hotline Miami game. Fans of that series have been wanting a sequel, and The Game Awards would be the perfect place for that. Take that idea with a grain of salt though, as there has been no official news backing that up. For all we know, it could be a sequel to an existing title or an entirely new IP. We’ll have to wait till The Game Awards to know that for certain though.

If you don’t already know Devolver Digital, they’re primarily an indie game publisher based in Austin, Texas. You may know them from the hit bullet hell Enter the Gungeon, or comedic mech shooter Metal Wolf Chaos XD (our review here). They tend to put out high quality, humorous indie games that receive high praise from players. If you’re interested in their games, you can check out their full lineup on Steam.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated when their new game is finally revealed. If you want to see the news for yourself though, you can watch The Game Awards at any of the links here for free. There will be a lot of announcements at the show, and we tried to predict some of them on our weekly podcast today. What are your predictions for The Game Awards? Who do you think will win what awards? Be sure to let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for more news, reviews, and more!