Capcom is releasing a brand new Devil May Cry HD Collection featuring the first three games in the series. For those unfamiliar with Devil May Cry, you play as Dante as you hack and slash your way through demons and solve puzzles to fend off the evil that is to come.

If you haven’t played the series, this will be a great way to get yourself introduced to one of Capcom’s most successful franchises, and you’ll get to know what Dante is all about. You can pick up the Devil May Cry HD Collection for $29.99 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One starting today.

Continuing the adventure of Dante, soon you’ll be able to play as the Devil May Cry main character in Monster Hunter: World. Fight off monsters with a combination of the Force Edge and Alastor, which will fall in the Charge Blade category. Normally you would also be equipped with a shield, but with this Devil May Cry twist, the shield is being left out. Don’t worry, because you’ll still be able to guard.

Not long ago, PlayStation 4 players were able to complete an event that allowed them to take on a special quest and complete an armor set to play as Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. Other collaborations include a Mega Man Palico armor set, and Ryu armor set from Street Fighter.

No release date has been set for Dante’s arrival, but once it is available you will need to complete the special event quest in order to be able to craft the special Devil May Cry skin and weapon.

What other Capcom characters would you like to see come to Monster Hunter: World? Let TL;DR know in the comments below.