Devil May Cry 5 shows the return of Nero, the dark and enigmatic hero introduced with the fourth installment of the series. This time, instead of his demonic arm, Nero will have access to several mechanical arms of the Devil Breaker, each of which contains totally different functions and attacks. One of the best Devil Breakers is Punch Line which has a decidedly devastating and impressive attack. Here’s how to rocket surf with the Punch Line in Devil May Cry 5.

What is the Punch Line?

Punch Line is actually part of a number of Devil Breakers. You can equip them at the beginning of each mission and all those that will be collected on the mission will be equipped until you have filled all the slots. Keep in mind that you can use the Devil Breaker only in your first slot and you can not change it as you wish.

This means that to use the Punch Line you will have to use LB for Xbox One or L1 for PlayStation 4 to destroy what you are currently wearing and move on to the next one. To use the switch in battle, you must press B for Xbox One or circle for PlayStation 4 but make sure you are not stuck and press in one direction as you will need the ability to take Black.

When you use the Punch Line the arm will know out to an enemy keeping track and you can get around and beat them several times. The number of damages is huge and can be useful for building your Style Rank.

How to use Rocket Surfing on Punch Line?

However, the Punch Line has another important function. After setting up the Punch Line, if you press B for Xbox One or circle for PlayStation 4, Nero will jump to the top of the rocket and pass over it in style. You can control the rocket using the left stick and there are some different commands. Pressing B for Xbox One or Circle for PlayStation 4 Black skips, pressing Y for Xbox One or triangle for PlayStation 4 Black will move forward at high speed, X for Xbox One or square for PlayStation 4 Black will make a rotating attack and pressing A for Xbox One or X for PlayStation 4 Black will detach from the rocket.

Using the rocket is a great way to escape damage when dealing with so many enemies. So here’s all you need to know about how to use the Punch Line with the Devil Breaker in Devil May Cry 5.