Vile humans! The day of probing draws near. Soon you will meet your untimely demise.  Earlier this week, the United States government released various footage of different UFOs spotted during various events. If you have watched any of the footage, you might go What the Hell or its alternative WTF. Now, what if I said that the government has known about other UFO’s throughout history and kept it a tight-lipped secret? You would call me a conspiracy theorist or the man with the tinfoil hat. In the Destroy All Humans Remake, Crypto looks to expose the government’s secrets while looking for his alien counterpart.

At the end of April, THQ Nordic announced the release dates for Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated and the Destroy All Humans Remake. Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated is scheduled to be released on June 23. Although many are excited about the Spongebob remastering, the Destroy All Humans! Remake may steal the summer heat, at least until CyberPunk 2077. The Destroy All Humans! Remake is scheduled to be released on July 28th, 2020. On that day, July 28th will become known as Probing Day, at least according to THQ.

Destroy All Humans Remake File Size

With the official release date being formally announced, The Destroy All Human’s Remake! file size has been revealed. According to the Xbox Marketplace, Destroy All Humans! (2020) will take up a total of 17.34 GB. At the moment, there is no official word whether or not the upcoming game will support 4K resolution.

From my playthrough at PAX East, the Destroy All Human Remake exceeded my expectations. The player can now have Crypto use multiple abilities at the same time. Visually, the game surpasses its predecessors flowing smoothly. When I found out that the remake is less than 20GBs, I was shocked. The game looks beautiful and will alter your perception of Destroy All Humans.