The mysterious stranger known as Xur appears occasionally in the world of Destiny 2, selling exotic items, weapons, and armors. This stranger has great items, but finding him can be a little tricky since he appears in random locations each time. He appears in the Tower as well as other locations on the map. Here are the locations you can find Xur and the list of items he sells this week in Destiny 2.
Xur Locations and Items in Destiny 2
This week you can find the exotic merchant, Xur, on Nessus, around the Watcher’s Grave, standing on the big tree. After finding him, you can buy items like Tractor Cannon, Helm of Saint-14, and Oathkeepr. You can find the list of items and their prices below.
- Tractor Cannon, Void heavy shotgun: 29 Legendary Shards
- Helm of Saint-14, Titan helmet: 23 Legendary Shard2
- Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shards
- Exotic Cipher Quest: Free
- Contraverse Hold, Warlock arms: 23 Legendary Shards
- Oathkeeper, Hunter arms: 23 Legendary Shards
The Tractor Cannon is one of the best weapons for close combat situations due to its Repulsor Force perk. On the other hand, Oathkeepr has the perk of Adamantine Brace that lets you hold arrows at the perfect draw timing forever. The other items also have Exotic perks like Contraverse Hold’s Chaotic Exchanger, which makes each of these weapons one of the best.
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Xur also sells a random roll of both Hawkmoon and Dead Man’s Tale each week as the Season of the Risen and The Witch Queen. This week you can buy Hawkmoon, Kinetic hand cannon (Hip-Fire Grip for the price of 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards. Also, you can buy Dead Man’s Tale, Kinetic scout rifle for the price of 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards.
Here is the full list of Xur’s Legendary inventory:
- Gnawing Hunger, Void auto rifle
- Extraordinary Rendition, Kinetic submachine gun
- Death Adder, Solar submachine gun
- Wishbringer, Solar shotgun
- IKELOS_SG_V1.0.2, Solar shotgun
- The Swarm, Arc machine gun
- Temptation’s Hook, Arc sword
- Season of Arrivals armor set
Bungie‘s Destiny 2 is available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.