Xur travels around the galaxy, and each week he sets up shop in a revolving location where he will sell some random exotics. You will find him in a different area each week, so the question is always going to be… where is Xur today? Well, we will have the exact area you can find him in for you as soon as he appears, because he can be pretty hard to locate sometimes. His item selection changes, which will give you a chance to purchase some rare exotic armors, engrams, and weapons that you won’t normally have access to in D2.
Xur’s location for July 23, 2021 is at the Watcher’s Grave on Nessus, in a tree! Head to the Watcher’s Grave landing location and go northwest until you find a large tree that is directly west of the Chamber of Water. You can then parkour your way up the branches to reach Xur.
Check out the video below if you are having trouble finding Xur.
What is Xur Selling Today?
Here’s a look at what Xur is selling in his inventory this week. Why not add a new exotic to your collection?
- The Huckleberyy [29 Legendary Shards - Kinetic SMG - Nothin’ in the world that 30 rounds can’t solve.]Liar’s Handshake [23 Legendary Shards - Hunter Gauntlets - Look ’em in the eye.]Karnstein Armlets [23 Legendary Shards - Warlock Gauntlets - “You are mine, you shall be mine, you and I are one for ever.”]Mk. 44 Stand Asides [23 Legendary Shards - Titan Leg Armor - Pardon me. Coming through.]
Xur’s Previous Inventory
Here’s a look at what Xur was selling last week!
- Sunshot [29 Legendary Shards - Energy Hand Cannon - “Can’t outrun the sunrise.” —Liu Feng]Ophidian Aspect [23 Legendary Shards - Warlock Gauntlets - “Have I the aspic in my lips?"]Ophidia Spathe [23 Legendary Shards - Hunter Chest Armor - Listen carefully when the serpent speaks, for its tongue is forked, and its words have two meanings.]Severance Enclosure [23 Legendary Shards - Titan Chest Armor - The loop is made. Over and over until the collision. At that moment, severed fission.]
Who is Xur?
Xur is an Agent of the Nine, who randomly appears in various locations across the solar system. He has a rotating inventory of Exotic armor from all the different classes, which can be purchased for legendary shards. He will also offer One Fated or Exotic Engram each week that can be bought for 97 Legendary Shards! He shows up every Friday at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm BST after the reset, and will hang around for a total of three days until the Tuesday reset!
General Xur Locations
Xur will generally always be found at one of five locations, which are the following: Winding Cove on EDZ, Barge or in a Tree on Watcher’s Grave in Nessus, and the Hangar at The Tower which is the general social gathering hub.
For more Destiny 2 guides, check out How to get the Compass Rose shotgun in Destiny 2 and Destiny 2: How to get the Heavy Handed mod on Pro Game Guides.