
  • Strike: The Insight TerminusWeapon: D.F.A.Adept Modifiers (1490)EmpathAcute Void BurnHero Modifiers (1530)Adept ModifiersChampion Foes (Barrier and Unstoppable)Ashes to AshesLegend Modifiers (1560)Adept and Hero ModifiersEquipment LockedMatch GameShielded Foes (Arc and Void)Master Modifiers (1590)Adept, Hero, and Legend ModifiersChaffChampions: Mob

Legacy Activities

  • EuropaEclipsed Zone: Eventide RuinsExo Challenge: Simulation: SafeguardEmpire Hunt: The TechnocratMoonWandering Nightmare: Fallen Council (Archer’s Line)Trove Guardian Location: HellmouthDreaming CityCurse Status: Strong CursePetra Venj Location: Rheasilvia

Banshee-44’s Inventory

  • Pleiades Corrector: Legendary Scout RiflePerses-D: Legendary Scout RifleSpoiler Alert: Legendary SidearmTyphon GL5: Legendary Grenade LauncherPalmyra-B: Legendary Rocket LauncherOgma PR6: Legendary Pulse Rifle

Ada-1’s Inventory

  • Titan ArmorTerra Concord SetHunter ArmorIcarus Drifter SetWarlock ArmorTesseract Trace IV Set

Weekly Bounties

  • Petra Venj, The Dreaming CityAscendant ChallengeGateway Between WorldsEris Morn, MoonSlow-Wave DisruptionLunar SpelunkerLectern of Enchantment, MoonNightmare HunterNightmare SojournerVariks, EuropaCourageous ExpeditionThe Heat of BattleShaw Han, CosmodromePublic DisturbanceFull SpectrumStarhorse, EternityClose and Impersonal

Eververse Bright Dust Shop

  • Glow Stick Dance: Legendary Emote - 700 Bright DustMolten: Exotic Ornament - 1250 Bright DustUp in Smoke: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright DustNectar Dynamo: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustSpill the Tea: Exotic Emote - 3250 Bright DustCanned Rage: Legendary Emote - 700 Bright DustIzanagi’s Shell: Exotic Ghost Shell - 2850 Bright DustUnseeing, To Be Shown: Legendary Ornament - 700 Bright DustSynchrotron Advancer: Exotic Ship - 2000 Bright DustMatterscourge: Exotic Ornament - 1250 Bright DustXIV Projection: Legendary Ghost Projection - 1500 Bright DustVibrant Breach: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustRoyal Welcome: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustWelded Brass: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustNeopop Wave: Legendary Shader - 300 Bright DustTaken Arrival: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright DustSignal Processed: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright DustShattered Shrieker: Legendary Transmat Effect - 450 Bright Dust

For more Destiny 2 goodies, check out Best SMGs in Destiny 2 on Pro Game Guides.

It’s Tuesday! That means it’s time to reset and refresh the activities in Destiny 2. This includes a new Nightfall, refreshes of powerful and pinnacle rewards, Eververse rotation, and much more. The weekly resets occur every Tuesday at 10am PT / 1pm ET from March to Nov.

Important Notices:

  • Iron Banner has returned and been revamped!