What’s to come later this week

Bungie will be releasing a brand new update to Destiny 2 later this week, and the developer has shown a preview for what’s to come in the patch.

On PS4 the patch will be version number 2.18, although it’s officially known as update 3.2.0. It will bring a new season to Destiny 2 called “Season of the Splicer”. The patch will be available on all platforms on May 11th, 2021.

While full patch notes have not been posted yet, Bungie did post a preview for what’s to come later this week. There will be a ton of new content and changes made to the game.

You can see the partial patch notes for Destiny update 2.18 posted down below.

Destiny 2 Update 2.18 Patch Notes Preview

  • Colorblind Support

  • Stasis abilities now have colorblind support:

  • Enemy Crystals

  • Enemy Squall

  • Enemy Duskfield

  • Enemy Bleak Watcher

  • Player highlighting in the Crucible now has colorblind support.

  • Sublcass Tuning

  • Hunters

  • The freeze detonation from Silence & Squall has been reduced from 12m to 8.5m in radius.

  • Enemy Squall now has a red ring to define area as it approaches.

  • Titans

  • Shiver Strike melee energy is now refunded when Glacial Quake ends.

  • Fixed an issue in which players can trigger Whisper of Torment by standing in an opponent’s Barricade.

  • Warlocks

  • Shadebinder

  • Bleak Watcher Aspect now grants two fragment slots.

  • Chaos Reach

  • Fixed an issue with Chaos Reach Super that was allowing it to penetrate some thin walls or objects enough to damage and kill opponents on the other side.

  • Stasis abilities now have colorblind support:

  • Enemy Crystals

  • Enemy Squall

  • Enemy Duskfield

  • Enemy Bleak Watcher

  • Player highlighting in the Crucible now has colorblind support.

  • Enemy Crystals

  • Enemy Squall

  • Enemy Duskfield

  • Enemy Bleak Watcher

  • Hunters

  • The freeze detonation from Silence & Squall has been reduced from 12m to 8.5m in radius.

  • Enemy Squall now has a red ring to define area as it approaches.

  • Titans

  • Shiver Strike melee energy is now refunded when Glacial Quake ends.

  • Fixed an issue in which players can trigger Whisper of Torment by standing in an opponent’s Barricade.

  • Warlocks

  • Shadebinder

  • Bleak Watcher Aspect now grants two fragment slots.

  • Chaos Reach

  • Fixed an issue with Chaos Reach Super that was allowing it to penetrate some thin walls or objects enough to damage and kill opponents on the other side.

  • The freeze detonation from Silence & Squall has been reduced from 12m to 8.5m in radius.

  • Enemy Squall now has a red ring to define area as it approaches.

  • Shiver Strike melee energy is now refunded when Glacial Quake ends.

  • Fixed an issue in which players can trigger Whisper of Torment by standing in an opponent’s Barricade.

  • Shadebinder

  • Bleak Watcher Aspect now grants two fragment slots.

  • Chaos Reach

  • Fixed an issue with Chaos Reach Super that was allowing it to penetrate some thin walls or objects enough to damage and kill opponents on the other side.

  • Bleak Watcher Aspect now grants two fragment slots.

  • Fixed an issue with Chaos Reach Super that was allowing it to penetrate some thin walls or objects enough to damage and kill opponents on the other side.

  • Separated Bounties from Quests in Nav Mode.

  • All Bounties now appear in Nav Mode. They can no longer be tracked as a result.

  • Category switching on keyboard and mouse can now be controlled with the scroll wheel.

  • Tracked Triumph now appears in its own Nav Mode category.

  • Legends added to the Director Destinations tab.

  • This is where you’ll find Vault of Glass in just a few weeks…

  • Shortcut between HUD quest step notifications and quest details screen added for keyboard and mouse users.

  • 6v6 Crucible activities have an updated intro experience.

  • Cycle through your teammates to view metrics associated with the activity you’re entering.

  • This is where you’ll find Vault of Glass in just a few weeks…

  • Cycle through your teammates to view metrics associated with the activity you’re entering.

  • H.E.L.M. now appears in the Director Destinations tab (moved from Tower map) and has its own map.

  • Focused Umbral Engrams and Prismatic Recaster

  • Umbral Engrams now auto-decrypt when Focused via the Prismatic Recaster.

  • The visual states for focusing options on the Prismatic Recaster have been streamlined to reduce visual clutter and confusion.

  • Umbral Engrams now auto-decrypt when Focused via the Prismatic Recaster.

  • The visual states for focusing options on the Prismatic Recaster have been streamlined to reduce visual clutter and confusion.

  • Glory, Valor, and Infamy reputations have had their internal systems rebuilt to a unified implementation. In-game, players should expect minimal perceived changes.

  • Unified Glory, Valor, and Infamy rank reputation tracking.

  • Before Forsaken, Glory and Valor had only Major ranks (Guardian, Brave, etc.).

  • After Forsaken, Glory and Valor gained sub-ranks (Brave I, II, III) alongside Infamy. However, all the historical tracking (Lifetime Ranks) and quest usage still used the original Major ranks.

  • Now, the sub-ranks are now referred to simply as Ranks, and all usage has been converted to use them where appropriate. (I.e., all lifetime values and quest targets have been multiplied by three.)

  • Glory playlists no longer block Valor win streaks from declining.

  • The Valor badge now appears on the Trials launch screen.

  • Infamy win streak bonus is now linear (+35 points per win).

  • Glory win streak bonus is now linear (+20 points per win).

  • Note: With the eventual update to Vanguard reputation, players should be ready to spend their Vanguard Tokens during Season of the Splicer.

  • Unified Glory, Valor, and Infamy rank reputation tracking.

  • Before Forsaken, Glory and Valor had only Major ranks (Guardian, Brave, etc.).

  • After Forsaken, Glory and Valor gained sub-ranks (Brave I, II, III) alongside Infamy. However, all the historical tracking (Lifetime Ranks) and quest usage still used the original Major ranks.

  • Now, the sub-ranks are now referred to simply as Ranks, and all usage has been converted to use them where appropriate. (I.e., all lifetime values and quest targets have been multiplied by three.)

  • Glory playlists no longer block Valor win streaks from declining.

  • The Valor badge now appears on the Trials launch screen.

  • Infamy win streak bonus is now linear (+35 points per win).

  • Glory win streak bonus is now linear (+20 points per win).

  • Note: With the eventual update to Vanguard reputation, players should be ready to spend their Vanguard Tokens during Season of the Splicer.

  • Before Forsaken, Glory and Valor had only Major ranks (Guardian, Brave, etc.).

  • After Forsaken, Glory and Valor gained sub-ranks (Brave I, II, III) alongside Infamy. However, all the historical tracking (Lifetime Ranks) and quest usage still used the original Major ranks.

  • Now, the sub-ranks are now referred to simply as Ranks, and all usage has been converted to use them where appropriate. (I.e., all lifetime values and quest targets have been multiplied by three.)

  • Note: With the eventual update to Vanguard reputation, players should be ready to spend their Vanguard Tokens during Season of the Splicer.

  • Eververse Archive Filtering

  • Players can now easily filter the offerings in the Storefront Archive tab.

  • Per numerous community requests, we added many Exotic weapon and armor ornaments from previous Seasons to the archive tab.

  • Bright Engrams

  • Spawn FX and Shaders are now standalone items in Bright Engrams.

  • Bright Engrams can no longer decrypt into duplicates of these items.

  • A small amount of Glimmer will be awarded when decrypting Bright Engrams.

  • Players can now easily filter the offerings in the Storefront Archive tab.

  • Per numerous community requests, we added many Exotic weapon and armor ornaments from previous Seasons to the archive tab.

  • Spawn FX and Shaders are now standalone items in Bright Engrams.

  • Bright Engrams can no longer decrypt into duplicates of these items.

  • A small amount of Glimmer will be awarded when decrypting Bright Engrams.

  • Bright Engrams can no longer decrypt into duplicates of these items.

  • Momentum Control and Team Scorched have returned and will be available as part of the weekly playlist rotation.

  • Added repeatable bounties to Shaw Han in the Cosmodrome.

  • Fixed an issue causing Vaulted gear to erroneously drop from strike-unique loot lists.

  • Added a full suite of Trace Rifle-focused armor mods to the game.

For more on this patch, you can visit the official Bungie website. Destiny 2 is out now for the PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One and Google Stadia.

More on Attack of the Fanboy :

Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Destiny 2 Update 2.18 Patch Notes Preview

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