This town ain’t big enough for two guardians
The Season of the Seraph in Destiny 2 keeps giving players more content to grind through. The new dungeon, Spire of the Watcher, has finally dropped and brought with it a bunch of new weapons and armor for players to strive for. However, some weapons are more sought after than others. Since each encounter in the dungeon drops different loot as a reward, you will want to make sure you are farming the right encounter to get the weapon you want. Let’s go over what each encounter of Spire of the Watcher drops in Destiny 2.
Spire of the Watchers Loot Table in Destiny 2
All of the new weapons and armor that are included with this dungeon seem to have a sort of wild west theme about them. Cowboy hats are included in all of the armor sets and the weapons themselves have a nice wood finish.
One of the most notable drops that many players are going to be trying to get their hands on is the Long Arm scout rifle. What better to pair with your new god roll hand cannon than a nice lever action rifle.
Something interesting about this dungeon is that there are two brands of weapons included in the loot pool. Normally, the weapons you get from a dungeon all tend to be the same design and from the same manufacturer. Spire of the Watcher features weapons from the Tex Machina brand as well as a return of the Seventh Seraph brand.
Don’t feel ripped off if you do get a Seventh Seraph brand instead of a new Tex Machina brand weapon as the Seventh Seraph weapons have a brand new origin trait and a new perk pool that they can pull from.
If you are a fan of a Seventh Seraph weapon that you already have. You will want to get yourself a new copy from this dungeon since the new perks can make some very interesting god-roll combinations. Plus farming the dungeon is a great way to level up quickly during the new season.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
- This article was updated on December 10th, 2022
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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher Loot Table: All Armor and Weapons