Solstice of Heroes is being rebranded as “Solstice” for its return in 2022. While there have been plenty of leaks regarding the notorious Destiny 2 event, nothing has been confirmed regarding them by Bungie at this time. As such, we’ll stick to official sources.
Everything to know about Solstice 2022
When does Solstice 2022 start?
Solstice will begin on July 19, 2022, and runs through August 9, 2022.
Players will only be upgrading one set of armor throughout the duration of Solstice. Guardians will be able to get multiple versions of a helmet, but upgrading armor will allow them to reroll its stats and the stat potential. This will then be shared across all drops. Otherwise, each of the classes will be getting fancy new duds.
- Titan: Candescent PrismWarlock: Scintillant PrismHunter: Phosphorescent Prism
Armor Upgrade Currencies
- Silver Leaves Earn Silver Leaves by completing activities throughout the game. Silver Ash Transform Silver Leaves into Silver Ash by completing the new activity: Bonfire Bash. Spend Silver Ash to reroll armor stats from the armor mod screen. Kindling Earn Kindling by completing Solstice Event Challenges. Spend Kindling to upgrade your armor stat roll potential, each piece of armor can be upgraded three times (three tiers). You only need to do this once per armor slot. Every time you upgrade a piece of Solstice armor, it is permanent and shared across all pieces for that slot. So, if you upgrade a helmet all the way to Tier 3, every Solstice helmet currently in your inventory and any future helmets you earn for that class can now access Tier 3 stat rerolls.
Bonfire Bash
The European Aerial Zone will be returning with the new mode, Bonfire Bash. Guardians will be lighting “paracausal bonfires” and must protect them from foes. In what appears to be a horde mode, Guardians will be able to more easily traverse the EAZ with additional floating islands, and building barriers having been removed.
Event Card
Much like the original Destiny, Destiny 2 is reintroducing Event Cards with Solstice. Inside the card will be a list of goals to complete during the event. The Event Card will be available for free to all players and includes event challenges, event seals and titles, and unique event rewards. From everything Bungie said in the TWAB announcing these changes, it sounds like Event Cards are going to be added to each “holiday” event.
Event Challenges
Event Challenges are objectives that Guardians can complete to earn rewards. This ranges from shaders to emblems and gear to Event Tickets. Nothing will be time-gated, so Guardians can go as fast or as slow as they like.
Event Seals and Titles
There will be new seals that can be earned. Some will be tied to the specific Solstice event while others will be tied to multiple events. Progress on the individual seals can be tracked through the Event Card.
The multi-event Seal requires Guardians to complete a certain number of Event Challenges in each of the four yearly Destiny events. This is akin to how World of Warcraft has achievements tied to holiday events, and meeting every one rewards adventurers with additional goodies.
Event Card Rewards
Within the Event Card will be an option to upgrade it for 1000 Silver. This will immediately grant players an Exotic reward bundle. Guardians can then spend Event Tickets to acquire more rewards. Bungie claims that the value of the completed Event Card is north of 3000 Silver.
For more Destiny 2 goodies, check out How to get the Seven of Seven Emblem in Destiny 2 on Pro Game Guides.