This one is incredibly close to the landing zone.

With the new exotic Lumina Quest players are given a system positioning device which changes from hour to hour giving new coordinates for a hidden item that allows you to continue the quest. One of those locations is Shaft 13 in the EDZ.  The Shaft 13 treasure is actually one of the easier ones to find as it’s located right next to a landing zone.

We’ll explain how to get the Shaft 13 treasure as quick as possible in this guide.  You can use the video above for the exact location of the item.  You’re going to want to start at the Sludge Landing Zone to get this as quickly as possible.

From there you’re going to want to head to the left and into the door marked by the lost sector.  You’ll jump up a story, and then you’ll come to a door that is ajar.  Hook a left and then a right, but look to your right and you’ll see an open door.  In this room you will find the treasure chest.

If you’re still having trouble tracking down the Shaft 13 treasure you can use the map above.

  • This article was updated on July 2nd, 2019

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Destiny 2 Shaft 13 Lumina Quest Location

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