With the Season of the Splicer on the way in Destiny 2, Bungie has released the season roadmap, letting us know exactly when we will be getting each new activity. This is good news for Guardians that like to plan ahead.

Below, you will find everything you need to know about the upcoming season, and when each new activity will start.

Season of the Splicer Roadmap

  • May 11 – Intro missions, Armor Synthesis, The Endless Night BeginsMay 11 – New Stasis Aspects quests (Beyond Light required)May 11 – Override: Europa (Season Pass required)May 14 – Trials of Osiris beginsMay 18 – Iron Banner, Override: MoonMay 22 – Vault of GlassMay 25 – Weekly Pinnacle Mission, Override Tangled ShoreJun 1 – Weekly Pinnacle Mission Jun 8 – Iron Banner, Weekly Pinnacle MissionJun 15 – Vault of Glass Raid Challenges, Weekly Pinnacle MissionJun 22 – Weekly Pinnacle MissionJun 29 – Weekly Pinnacle Mission, Iron BannerJul 6 – Solstice of Heroes, Vault of Glass Difficulty OptionsAug 3 – Solstice of Heroes ends, Iron BannerAug 10 – Epilogue

In Season of the Splicer, the Vex have plunged the Last City into an endless night, threatening the safety once found beneath the watchful presence of the Traveler. Ikora will reveal that there is someone who can help the Last City escape the perpetual night. This turns out to be Mithrax, the Sacred Splicer, who also wishes to become closer with the Traveler.

The Season of the Splicer will introduce an upgrade for the HELM, allowing players to take advantage of Splicer tech and deal with Vex Incursions. There will also be a new six player missions called Override for Guardians to enjoy. In the Override activity, players will use Splicer tech to hack the Vex Network, stealing their secrets, code, and using their own power against them.