We’re all anxiously sitting on the edge of our seats while we wait for Season 19 to drop. But in the meantime, it’s important to make sure that you’re as prepared as possible to take the next season by storm. Here’s how we recommend preparing yourself while you wait for the next great moment in Destiny 2 history.

Destiny 2 Season 19 Prep Guide

Clean House

We suggest doing several things in advance of any new season, but the most important practice we encourage is cleaning out your vault. Make space for new drops by clearing away unnecessary items you stored throughout the previous season.

If you’re having trouble Marie Kondo-ing your vault, here’s how we decide what sparks joy for our own vaults. First, create builds with your armor before dismantling all of the exotic armor that you don’t actively need. Then, remove any duplicate weapons or items that have been sitting in the vault for over a year. After this, you should have enough space to welcome the new season in stride.

Remember that most destination materials won’t be obtainable once Season 19 begins. This means that Dusklight Shards, Microphasic Datalattice, Helium Filaments, Baryon Boughs, Spinmetal Leaves, and Glacial Starwort will still be in your inventory, but you won’t be able to get them through gameplay. Use them now before their purpose is made essentially void.

Unlock Subclasses

You’ll also want to grind to unlock your subclasses as much as possible. It’s expensive to do so, so taking advantage of the time between seasons is so important because you can focus your energy on simply unlocking.

In addition, we’d recommend completing your exotic collection because the new season is changing the balance between subclasses and weapon archetypes. This will change which exotics are meta. If you want to play with this, get as many exotics as possible before the change occurs.

Rewards and Community Events

Finally, make sure you claim all of your vendor rewards before the new season begins, and your reputation with ritual vendors gets reset. Any unclaimed rewards will be lost, so it’s worth grabbing them, even if you’re just planning to dismantle the reward .

Most seasonal activities are dropping Captain’s Coins, thanks to the current community event. Donating the coins can get you gift boxes, Masterwork materials, and more – especially if you’ve been looking for some Deepsight weapons.

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