With just 15 days left before Destiny 2: Warmind’s release, Bungie is ready to shed more light on the game’s second expansion in a live stream event tomorrow, April 24.

The stream will kick off at 12pm CT and show off the new expansion as well as what else will come with the game’s newest update on May 8. A teaser trailer was released today as well to drum up the hype even further.

The teaser shows off a return to Mars, a location from Destiny 1. This looks to be a completely different location on the red planet, though, called Hellas Basin. It appears to be a snowy/icy location, and the Hive look to play a large role.

Another huge takeaway from the teaser looks to hint at some sort of horde or survival mode—”Survive the Hive Escalation Protocol” the video says at one point. It then shows Guardians, wearing Warmind-themed armor, fighting Hive while the left side of the screen shows an objective that tasks you with clearing enemies. It also says “Level 6,” hinting that there will be multiple waves of enemies.

One of the first shots of the trailer looks to show a Guardian wielding a Suros Regime, a popular Exotic auto rifle from Destiny 1, confirming that more Exotics will be returning to the series with this expansion.

The stream also promised upgraded Exotics and Crucible updates. Bungie has been teasing upgraded Exotics over the past few weeks on Twitter, aiming to make the rarest weapons perform better than they have since the game launched last September.

All this and more will be shown during the stream tomorrow, which will land two weeks before Warmind, scheduled to release on May 8.