Whenever a limited-time event rolls around in Destiny 2, Bungie usually introduces new mechanics and alterations to the activities we have been playing for years. This is done to freshen up activities for long-time players while also tying in themes from the event. With the annual Guardian Games event comes the long-awaited return of Strike scoring, a mechanic that tracks players’ progress during a Strike and rewards them with medals based on their continued performance.
While it may have been re-introduced in this event, Strike scoring has been around since the early days of the original Destiny. Due to Strike scoring being a loved mechanic that increased player interest in grinding the same Strikes, it is quite surprising to see that it has taken this long for the mechanic to make its triumphant return. The simple addition of achievable medals and an updated score system seems to be doing wonders to Strike interest for the entire Destiny community.
The community seems to agree that Strike scoring needs to stay as a permanent addition even after the departure of the Guardian Games event. Not only does it liven up the Strike playlist immensely, but it also gives players something to aim for instead of just mindlessly playing the same Strike to complete some bounties. That being said, players also have ideas for the Strike activity beyond just scoring that could also make the activity far more enjoyable.
For example, Daybreak Strikes were introduced late in the original Destiny’s life cycle and introduced a far more explosive way to participate in Strike activities. Basically, by mixing mayhem and nightfall Strikes, the Daybreak modifier quickly became a fan-favorite mechanic that put new life into the Strike activity.