Just today, Bungie launched the 30th Anniversary Event for Destiny 2, including a whole host of paid and free content for players to experience and commemorate the company’s 30-year history. Including many homages to some of their older games and their part in the Halo series, the team is pulling out every reference they can think of while also making a fun mini-expansion. One of the nostalgia-filled trinkets you can get is the powerful Forerunner sidearm, modeled after the incredibly powerful Halo magnum. You may be wondering how to score things though, which is why I’m here. Here’s all you need to do to get the Forerunner exotic sidearm in Destiny 2!

How to Get the Forerunner Exotic Sidearm in Destiny 2

Step 1: Unlock the Quest

This step should come as no surprise, but you’ll have to complete Dares of Eternity and speak with Xur, finishing his Tracing the Stars mini-quest. It’s fairly easy to complete though, and once done, will score you the exotic quest!

Step 2: Complete Three Daily Starhorse Bounties

This step is where things may get a little more challenging. First of all, make sure you’re at Xur’s Treasure Hoard in Eternity. From there, head over to the Starhorse and claim one of its three bounties. It will ask you to complete a task or two along with get a certain score in the Dares of Eternity activity. What makes this challenging is getting said quests and completing them in a single run. That’s right, if you finish without getting your tasks complete, you start from square one. As long as you’re focusing on what’s asked of you when running though, this shouldn’t prove too difficult.

Step 3: Buy the Strange Key

This is fairly straightforward. Once all three bounties are done, you’ll need to get the Strange Key reward from Xur’s rank rewards. This will require you to get to level 4, but if you aren’t already there, keep completing bounties and runs of Dares of Eternity. It should come to you fairly easily, and from there you can pick up the Strange Key.

Step 4: Use the Strange Key

This step is where most players get tripped up. The original waypoint within Xur’s Treasure Hoard leads you to a no-combat version of the Dares of Eternity arena. Here, you must find where to put in the strange key. If you need help, you’ll need to put it in the rock at the location of the above image. Once done (it can be a little finicky, so you may need to move around), you’ll need to head towards the waypoint and take the jumping puzzles within the location. Once you’ve made it to the cryopod, open it and you’ll get an Anomalous Object.

Step 5: Bring it to Banshee and Get Your Forerunner

And now comes the part you’ve been waiting for. Simply head to the Tower and speak to Banshee, and he’ll give you the Forerunner exotic sidearm in Destiny 2! This sidearm is incredibly powerful, so be sure to use it wisely.

Destiny 2 Update 3.4.0 Patch Notes

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.