Exotics are the most powerful weapons and armor in Destiny 2 that you can obtain. Since they are powerful, you can only have one exotic weapon and armor piece on at one time. Cloudstrike is one of the most powerful exotic sniper rifles in the game, capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to other players and bosses. However, unlike some exotics you obtain from quests, you will need to grind for Cloudstrike. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to get the Cloudstrike exotic sniper rifle in Destiny 2.
How to Get Cloudstrike Exotic in Destiny 2
After completing the main story, you will unlock additional sets of missions on the planet Europa. As you complete Variks’ set of missions, you will eventually get Sabotage quests and Empire hunts. You will also encounter the Deep Stone Crypt raid that you need to complete and the Old Secrets, New Challenges quest. You will be sent into an Exo Challenge that you must complete. Alongside Old Secrets, New Challenges, you will also need to finish the A Hard Rain Falls mission. You will need to travel to the Eclipse Zones on Europa and kill enemies or complete activities. Upon completing A Hard Rain Falls, you will unlock Variks’ next set of Sabotage missions.
Once you complete the above quests, you will unlock two Sabotage missions from Variks. Firstly, you must complete Europan Explorer I. The second quest, Europan Explorer II, will unlock Elected Difficulty Empire Hunts. You will need to complete both in order. Once you have these Empire Hunts unlocked, obtaining Cloudstrike becomes a matter of grinding. Since Cloudstrike is a rare drop, you may need to run numerous hunts until you get it.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.