Do you want to know how to fix the Error code Calabrese in Destiny 2? Destiny 2  is an online multiplayer game developed by Bungie and published by Activision. Destiny 2 players have been encountering some errors during the last few weeks. Error code Calabrese is one of the most common errors Destiny 2 players have faced. This guide will tell you how to fix the Error code Calabrese in Destiny 2.

What is The Error code Calabrese in Destiny 2?

Error code Calabrese is an error that occurs when players try to connect to servers. The error message reads: “You have been returned to Orbit. Please try again.” Players who get this error cannot log into the game and are stuck in Orbit.

This error code mainly happens due to testing and maintenance of the server or due to a server-side issue. Also, it can be due to some connection issues from your side. There might be issues such as a slow internet connection, weak Wi-Fi signal, or blocked ports causing the problem.

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How to Fix Error Code Calabrese in Destiny 2?

Unfortunately, there is currently no solution for Error Code Calabrese in Destiny 2. Bungie’s official support page says, “Bungie is actively tracking this general networking error. Your disconnect was reported the moment it occurred. If you continue to receive this error, please consider following the suggestions in our Network Troubleshooting Guide.”

This means that the best way to fix Error Code Calabrese is by following the troubleshooting steps provided in Bungie’s Network Troubleshooting Guide.

However, you must first check the server status if this error occurs. If the server is up and running, there may be some connection issues from your side. You can try a few of these methods that could help you fix this error:

  • Check your internet connection and make sure it is stable.
  • Restart your router/modem.
  • Change your DNS to a public one like Google’s.
  • Disable any VPN software or anti-virus software you have running.
  • Flush your DNS Resolver Cache.

We hope this guide helped you fix your Error code, Calabrese. If you cannot connect to the game, contact Bungie support for further help. Good luck, Guardian! May the Traveler watch over you.

Also, Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.

Source: Bytes Media