Completing Triumphs is one of many ways Destiny 2 players keep being engaged and challenged by the game. And with a new season comes new Triumphs that completionists want to finish as well. In Destiny 2 Season 18: Season of Plunder, the Salty Smith Triumph is considered to be one of the trickiest Triumphs to complete this season — however, there is one simple trick to get it.
Completing the Salty Smith Triumph in Destiny 2
Salty Smith Triumph is part of the Triumphs needed to unlock the Scallywag Title for Destiny 2 Season 18: Season of Plunder. To complete the Triumph, you will need to craft/unlock at least three weapon Patterns out of six unique seasonal weapons listed below:
- Blood Feud: Stasis Submachine Gun
- Brigand’s Law: Arc Sidearm
- No Reprieve: Stasis Shotgun
- Planck’s Stride: Arc Machine Gun
- Sailspy Pitchglass: Arc Linear Fusion Rifle
- Tarnished Mettle: Arc Scout Rifle
To make matters more annoying, don’t forget that you need to farm for and extract five Deepsight Resonances (weapons that have a red border around their icons in the menu) per weapon — so in total, you would need to extract 15 Deepsight Resonance seasonal weapons to complete Salty Smith Triumph in Destiny 2 Season of Plunder.
Funny enough, though, there is a trick to quickly finish this Triumph without actually crafting any of the seasonal weapons.
The Best Way to Unlock the Salty Smith Triumph
While the most reliable way to farm Season of Plunder weapons is to run Ketchcrash and Expeditions, as mentioned above, there is one simple way to trick the game into giving you the Triumph.
According to, all you need to do is bring along any drops of those six seasonal weapons — either Deepsight Resonance or regular types, doesn’t matter — and then head to Savathun’s Throne World. Once there, equip “as many of the seasonal weapons as you can” and then craft any unlocked weapon Patterns you have.
Now you should check your Salty Smith Triumph progress; any seasonal weapons you equipped during the weapon crafting process should be checked off! That means to complete the Salty Smith Triumph in Destiny 2 Season 18, you can just keep switching equipped weapons and go through the weapon crafting process as many times as necessary. Fanbyte’s merritt k added that this trick should also apply to any seasonal challenges requiring you to craft several Season of the Plunder weapons.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.