Lapsed players won’t have to shell out $20 for Curse of Osiris after all

Destiny 2: Forsaken is looking more and more like it’s going to provide the Destiny experience players have been waiting for for over a year, but Bungie’s been keeping fans guessing as to whether or not they’d have to buy all the current DLC for full price. If nothing had changed, it would have meant having to pay at least $80 on top of the $60 price of the base game. Fortunately for all those who chose to wait on Destiny 2, something has changed. Today, Bungie announced the Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection, a complete bundle of Forsaken and all previously released Destiny 2 content.

The Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection comes in two flavors: the Legendary Collection and the Complete Collection. The Legendary Collection is priced at $60 and includes Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken. The Complete Collection includes all of the above and adds the Annual Pass. This bundle sells for about $99. Like Destiny 1’s Taken King Legendary Edition, the Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection is definitely a good deal for those who are interested in jumping into Destiny 2 and haven’t bought either the base game or the DLC. The value of the Complete Collection and its Annual Pass is still up in the air though.

Bungie has stated that the Annual Pass, which sells on its own for about $35, won’t replace seasonal events or core updates. It will include upcoming gear DLC, new exotics, end game challenges, pinnacle activities, and triumph records. Whether or not this content is worth the extra $35 will only become clear once it’s released, of course. Still, those thinking about picking up the complete collection should note that they can save themselves $5 by buying the Legendary Collection and the Annual Pass separately.

Just like the Taken King bundle, these collections do nothing for those players who’ve stuck with the game over the past year, but perhaps that’s just the price of being a supporter of any game following the live service model these days.

  • This article was updated on July 31st, 2018

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